Chapter Twenty: Chat Noir

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Alya walked into school with the arms of Luka around her. "I think everyone thought you were dead."

"Yeah. I decided that my lead might bring hope to the people. I need people to be in good, hopeful moods. Recently, there have been more akumatizations than ever. I need a break. And besides, I lost the akuma last night, and I needed to warn people." People watched Alya in awe as she walked in. Early in the morning, roughly around five, a new post had been made on the LadyBlog. There hadn't been a post made in about two years. It had over two million views, and about 1.7 million likes and reposts. There were some jillion comments on the page, blowing Alya's phone up.

"It was some move. Do you think anyone has suspected yet?"

"I recorded myself as Rena Rouge, and did some light editing. It looks like I was genuinely interviewing Rena." She whispered into his ears. Lila stopped them in the doorway to Mrs. Bustier's classroom, baring her teeth.

"Just because you resurrected the LadyBlog for one night, doesn't mean you can be a big shot all of a sudden. You fabricated that interview anyways. I was with Rena yesterday and this morning. She never left my side, and she never mentioned anything about an interview."

"Lila, you can take your snide, lying, ass out to the curb with the garbage where you belong." The people in the class 'oohed'. "Rena Rouge has never hung out with you, and she never will. If you want genuine friends, and want to be quote on quote popular, then stop making up compulsive lies, and be genuine for once." Lila turned a violent shade of crimson, and her fists shook.

"Bitch!" Lila took her fist and slammed it into Alya's face. Alya looked up, a visible red mark on her cheekbone. Alya retaliated, taking her palm and slapping it across Lila's own cheek. This only enraged the brunette more. Soon, they were in a full-on cat fight. Luka tried pulling Alya off of Lila, the same with Sabrina. Everyone seemed to egg it on, chanting 'fight' as the two went at it. Mrs. Bustier seemingly was nowhere in sight, allowing the fight to continue. A man walked into the classroom a while after the fight broke out, totally unsuspecting.

"Hello class, I will be substituting for Mrs. Busti- children!" He noticed the crowd and the screaming, and rushed to stop it. "Alright, alright! Break it up! You two!" he said, pointing at Lila and Alya. "Go to the principal. Explain what happened, and hear his verdict." Lila glared at the newcomer, apparently deciding he had authority over her. The two conniving teens made their way to the office, all the while throwing shade and snide remarks at each other. They entered the room to see Mr. Damocles staring at his computer with a notebook and pen. A part of the wall was open, showing the contents belonging to the owl. Lila cleared her throat to get his attention. When he looked at the source, her facial features formed the face. The face everyone knows and loathes. The victim face.

"Mr. Damocles." She wined. "Alya slapped me for no reason."

"Ms. Césaire, this is unacceptable!"

"Mr. Damocles, no, I didn't! She punched me, and called me a bitch!"


"It's true! You can see the mark it left!" Alya said, pointing to her cheek bone. It was gathering purple and blue.

"She's lying!" Lila fake cried. It was pretty convincing too. "She's always lying! She beats me and verbally abuses me every day, and she pretends it's the other way around. You constantly allow her to get away with it!" She cried even more, this time more dramatic than before. Alya rolled her eyes, making Mr. Damocles make up his mind on the situation.

"Ms. Césaire! You dare roll your eyes at what you have done?"

"No! That's not what I wa-"

"I think a week's suspension should take care of this. Your parent's will be informed immediately following this conversation. You have an hour to leave the school, or I shall have you thrown out myself. Is that understood?"

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