Chapter Three: Meeting the Master

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Day 404:

Dear LadyBlog,

I have not been as happy as I am today in a longtime. Last night, I found my lead to the whereabouts of Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Carapace. One of Ladybug's earrings. I found it at the Trocadéro Gardens. It must lead to them somehow. Before that, I ran into Chloe. It wasn't the worst experience. This morning, Chloe posted a picture of her and Adrien,saying how she was reminded of him every day, and that she missed him so. EvenChloe's given up, and she always said she loved her "Adrikkins". She's a brat either way. No doubt about it. As for today's plan, Trixx and I are going to"the master", whoever that is. She said he can tell us important things about the miraculous, and that he can help us find the other heroes. I hope he can,because it's more important than ever. I don't know how much more of this the city can take. I don't know how much more I can take.

Signing off (until next time),

Alya Césaire

Alya hid her diary under the floorboard and began packing her things. Her tan bag was full of tracking gear, snacks, and a small box containing Ladybug's earring. "Trixx, who is this master guy, and how can he help?"

"Master Fu is the last member of the great guardian. He's the one that gave you the miraculous. He knows who the other holders are, and might be able to do something to track them! He said if anything drastic ever happened, then we were to bring our holders to him,"

"Why didn't you tell me that when everyone first went missing!?"

"Calm down. I didn't say anything because you didn't have a clue, or a lead. Now, you do, and it might help the guardian to help you,"

"Help the guardian... to help me?"

"Yes, that's what I said. Are you deaf? Anyways, he has a shop, and we have to go now, otherwise it'll be closed," The small fox said, pushing her holder towards the door. "Come on," Alya made her way down the stairs and almost made it to her front door without an interruption.

"Alya, dear. Where are you going?"

"I'm, uh... going to go... find footage for my blog. Yeah..." It was the lamest excuse ever, she had to admit. She didn't even keep her blog up to date anymore. The last update she had made was two months after their disappearances, and that was just her searching for them with no luck.

"Well, have fun," She turned toward the door, and her mother spoke again. "And, Alya? I'm proud of you for moving past everything."


Alya stood in front of the patterned door, motionless. She had no idea who she was about to talk to, but her kwami had assured her that he could help. She hesitantly knocked on the strange door, a voice responding with 'come in'. Inside the room was a rather short elder man kneeling by a mat. He wore a Hawaiian shirt, and had his eyes closed. "Hello Rena Rouge," He spoke. "I've been expecting you for quite some time." How does this man know I'm Rena?!, she thought. "I see Trixx waited until very late to bring you to me. Typical of her. You must have found something,"

"Are you able to help find Ladybug, Chat, and Carapace?"

"Right to the point; I chose well. I've been studying the ancient spell book about tracking, and I have been able to partially decipher its code regarding the topic. To my understanding, you cannot track a miraculous wielder without something belonging to them,"

"Would... this count?" She said, holding up the box with the earring. He took it from her smoothly, being sure not to drop it. When he saw the contents, his eyes lit up.

"Where did you find this young lady?"

"At the Trocadéro Gardens. Are you able to find them?"

"One who is burning with impatience can never eat hot porridge."

"Uh, what does any of this have to do with eating?"

"Ha ha," he chuckled to himself. "That's exactly what Ladybug said," Alya never knew she had so much in common with her friend and inspiration. She knew they shared the secret of being a miraculous holder, but never thought they would say the same thing to a man they'd met individually. "All right," he began again. "With one of her earrings, I will be able to track the other. The percentage of my success depends on whether or not she possesses the other currently."

"If you are able to pin-point their location, how will I get to them? What if Hawkmoth has had them this whole time?!"

"That young one, is something I have feared for a long time, and something I believe to be true. I've been thinking, that since you're all alone, you'll need a new partner."

"Excuse me? Carapace is my partner."

"Yes, but he is with the others. You need a new partner to fight Hawkmoth, and bring them back. I have one final miraculous to distribute, and it is time,"

"Master? How many miraculous are there?"

"I don't normally speak of such things with holders, but I guess it will be alright if I speak about them with yourself. There are nineteen. Here in Paris, the only ones in circulation are the most powerful. The top seven,"

"And the top seven are Ladybug, Chat Noir, Rena Rouge, Carapace, Hawkmoth... um, oh! The peacock and the bee!"

"Very observant, a key component in most of the fox holders we have chosen over the years," He spoke very fondly of the fox miraculous, as his own partner had been one. Her civilian name had been lost in the face of time, and the villain Volpina had only crushed her hero-self further into oblivion. No matter how much her memory was tarnished to history, she was alive, well and clear, in the memories of Master Fu.

"Sir, I don't mean to bother you any more than I already am, but who will my partner be?" His eyes sparkled with anticipation at their first meet. He had already picked someone to be Alya's new partner. A young woman about the same age, with an itch for adventure.

"I very well cannot tell you that, it is in the hero code Chat Noir and Ladybug created. Your partner shall receive her miraculous within the next two days. Who she is, and what miraculous she will embody, will not be revealed until time tells," Alya had no idea that the peacock was missing. Only Ladybug knew, and she had sworn not to tell. Alya prayed it was the peacock. She loved the animal; the way the feathers plumed majestically. "Now you must go get your rest. You need your energy to learn and protect Paris. Goodbye Rena Rouge. I will get back to you on the tracking," Alya left for her home taking a detour to the park by the bakery. Within its boundaries were two statues; the bronze one of Ladybug and Chat Noir, and the silver of Rena Rouge and Carapace. Alya often came out to the park to gaze at the statues, to see their faces in more than just her memory and photos on her phone. It was a relief, to see and feel their presence, even if Ladybug and Chat Noir were only fourteen in their statue.

"Trixx? Will they come home safely?" Trixx did not reply, which was an answer all in its own.

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