Chapter Nineteen: Super Baker

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Day 447

Dear LadyBlog,

I've been gone a while. Sorry. I had to get a new diary and new hiding place. My family found out about both. A lot has happened since I misplaced my diary. I guess the most prominent things happened this week. Well, even before that. Luka found out about me being Rena Rouge, and we started dating yesterday. My family found out as well, and are taking it pretty good I guess. Queen Bee and I are getting along really great. It seems she has a lot of personal issues she doesn't want me to worry about, so I don't pry. Oh, Chloe became my friend as well. We started talking, and I somehow got her a job at the bakery. Yeah, she wanted to make it up to Mr. Dupain for everything she had done. She thinks working for him for no pay will make it up. I think that he'll still pay her, much to her protests. But... the biggest thing, I found out last night. My best friend for the last four years, the girl who went missing a year ago out of the blue, is Ladybug. My best friend knew I was Rena Rouge this whole time, and she fought beside me too. She also probably knows Carapace's identity as well, since he claimed she gave it to him originally. Wow, I... for some reason I'm not upset, or even surprised. It does give me a thought though. She must have transformed to search for the missing, and got caught. All I have left of her is an earring, and Master Fu is working on tracking her with it.... Omg... I have a blog dedicated to my best friend, and she knew the whole time! She sat next to me and suffered my endless theories on who she may be. I'm so clueless.

Soon to return,


Alya actually had a smile on her face as she hid her diary in the new spot under a pan on her roof. Luka had told her that it was quite a chill place after she dropped him there one day, so they had decorated the roof to be a hangout. There was a metal canopy bolted to the roof, and three retractable walls were hanging off, able to be clipped down, or to disappear completely. There was a mini fridge, an outlet in the floor, lamps, and pillows and blankets sprinkled around. "Trixx, I feel like today is a good day."

"Alya, it's three in the morning. I would be asleep right now, but you insisted on coming up here."

"You're no fun. Can't we celebrate my good mood?"

"Yes, but not when I'm sleep deprived."

"At least I didn't kidnap Luka and bring him up here."

"Yeah... at least that didn't happen." Trixx sulkily said as she curled up on a small pillow in the rafter of the canopy.

"Trixx." Alya sighed as she shook her head. She sat and ate a yogurt while reading over her entry. A song found its way into her head, puzzling her. Where had she heard that song? Then it hit her. She had written that song. She had played it the day everyone disappeared. The happy jig she had worked so hard to write. She had forgotten all about it until now. Why was it this song just now showed up?"

"You're really that happy, huh?" Trixx asked from her spot in the rafter.

"Hell yeah! I haven't felt this way since before I fully became Rena!" Alya said. She immediately regreted it.

"Oh..." Trixx almost cried. "A-am I that much of a nuisance? Do I make you unhappy?"

"N-no!" Alya rushed out, realizing the extent of her haphazard comment. "That's not what I meant by that! Trixx you have to-" she was silenced by a shush. "I'm trying to apologize, can you let m-"

"When I tell you to shut up, shut up." Trixx spat. The roof became terribly quiet. There was a scream from the east. After a minute, there was another scream, further off.

"What was that."

"You need Rouge." Trixx grumbled.

"Trixx." Alya said softly.

"No time!" the small kwami barked. "Say the words to save Paris!" Alya sadly looked at her kwami. "Now!" Trixx was madder than she had ever been.

"T-Trixx, let's pounce!" Alya flew fast towards the screams, as they became more distant each second. "What could that be?" Trixx gave no answer. Great. She closed in on the figure, which she could tell immediately was akumatized. They were shooting ingredients into people's windows, which did god knows what. He had a giant loaf of bread as a sword of sorts, and his mustache was one of his prominent features. He had huge tears, he himself was the size of a buff man. His outfit was that of a superhero's, and was blue, tan, and black. After he blasted a row of eggs into an unsuspecting Parisian's home, pink orbs came from the window, lying behind the akuma in a curved line, connecting with orbs of the same nature on the ground. It led the akuma to the next house. "Stop!" The akuma stopped and turned around, facing Rena Rouge.

"This is all your fault! Why couldn't you have saved my daughter?!" The akuma screamed at her, the ground slightly shaking. "Since you've failed to find her, I've decided to be the hero I promised her I would be all those years ago. Super Baker!" He spun his whisk in the air with one hand, milk appeared in mid-air and splurged in Rena's direction. She dodged and looked back towards him, but he was already onto the next house. She watched as he repeated the process from earlier, only getting two orbs. He cursed.

"I need more people. The path to my Marinette must be completed before dawn." Alya floated to the ground, realization striking her. This was Tom Dupain. He was searching for Marinette. If he let her continue, then she could find her! But... half of Paris could be gone by then. She beat her pride and selfishness into a pulp, and went in pursuit of the fast, strong Super Baker. What a terrible name, she thought. Then she remembered the day she met Marinette. She had told her what her father said during lunch. They had laughed about it, but continued on with their lives, leaving it behind. Apparently, Tom Dupain did not. She chased him around and tried to reason with him for an hour. No one seemed to notice what was happening. The only people who had noticed were the ones awake. No one even knew there was an akuma.

It broke Alya to do this to Mr. Dupain, but it had to be done. She slowly pulled her flute from her back, her eyes on Super Baker the whole time. She brought the instrument to her lips and played the familiar tune she knew too well. "Mirage." She almost couldn't be heard. She had tears in her eyes even before Marinette emerged from the wind.

"Papa! Papa it's okay! I'm here!" The fake Marinette jumped up and down, waving her arms in the air. Super Baker stopped at the sound of his daughter's voice. "Papa, please. Hawkmoth is controlling you like he did mom! Like he does everyone! Please!" The illusion of Marinette pleaded, tears in her eyes.

"M-Marinette?" He knelt down beside her, gazing into her clear, bluebell eyes. "Marinette!" He cried, throwing his arms around her. It took a lot of strength to keep the illusion in place. Alya was a couple feet away, playing her flute to keep Marinette from poofing to smoke.

"I love you Papa!"

"I love you too my pumpkin." Alya became dizzy, and had to stop. Marinette began to blow away from Super Baker's grasp. "M-Marinette!"

"I'm sorry Papa! We'll be together soon!" Marinette dissipated into thin air. Super Baker had huge tears spewing from his eyes every second, easily triple the amount from before. His grief turned to anguish as he steamed. He looked up and around, his eyes laying on Rena.

"You made her up to trick me! You're no better than the villains in this world!" He yelled as he jumped into the night, disappearing from view. Rena searched and searched, but to no avail. He was nowhere to be found. Defeated, she flew back home, going to her bed this time. She had a plan. A plan that would have Hawkmoth at a run for his money.

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