Chapter Twenty-One: Band-Aids and Bandages

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Alya could barely remember anything after finding out about Adrien... Chat. She believed that she had called Queen Bee, and that Queen Bee had shown up and began crying. The one thing that Alya knew for a fact happened, was Queen Bee de-transforming. She stood in shock as the yellow light descended on her partner, her costume and mask slipping into the blinding light. In her place stood Chloe Bourgeois, her former bully, and current friend. How could she have been so blind? The similarities were all there, and Queen Bee had said she was friends with Lila. They were thrown into a group hug, Alya still suited up. It was warming. All three had tears cascading down their faces. Alya could have sat there forever. It had to be the happiest moment of her life.

A day after Adrien's return, Rena Rouge and Queen Bee stood talking to the doctors in the hallway outside of his room. They answered simple questions, most concerning the possible extent of his condition. "We've gathered that Mr. Agreste may need psychiatric help. From tests, we believe him to have acquired PTSD. He started screaming for a while early this morning, and had a panic attack, talking about someone named Plagg. Does this have any significance to you?" Alya and Chloe turned pink, and quickly answered.

"No!" The doctor looked at them strange, and Queenie took the lead. "It must just be the shock."

"Yes... yes. At this rate, it would be best for him to return to society. By that, I mean school. He missed a majority of his Junior year, and the beginning of his Senior year. If anything, schoolyard interactions would be best for his mental stability. The only problem, is that he is likely to lash out at everyone." Alya thought for a moment, and was hit with an idea.

"There is a young woman who is close to Mr. Agreste. She could calm him, and make sure he doesn't have a panic attack amongst the hustle and bustle of his surroundings."

"And who would that be?"

"Chloe Bourgeois, sir. She has shaped up to be a fine woman, and I have no doubt in my mind that she can help Adrien better than any trained official." Chloe blushed at the appraisal, but she knew she couldn't do it alone. She needed someone else, and she knew just who.

"There is also another, that I feel could assist. Her name is Alya Césaire."

"The LadyBlog reporter?" It made Alya giddy that even a man in high practice knew of her blog, and that Chloe suggested that she help out.

"Yes. She has known Adrien for a long time, and has been one of his closest friends for the longest time. Also, she and I-Chloe," she caught herself. "have recently became friends. They could work together nicely to help Adrien out in his daily life at school."

"Yes... yes." He said again. "This sounds like everything will be okay. Well, first, we have to interview and check them, and of course, Gabriel Agreste must allow his son back to school. I am meeting with him in about an hour, and everything will cycle from there. I will keep you posted."

"Thank you, Mr..."

"Doctor Strahnge."

"Thank you, doctor." The man walked away from them slowly. "Actually." Queen Bee said, stopping Doctor Strahnge. "Why are you sharing all this information with us? Isn't there some kind of patient-doctor confidentiality?" Doctor Strahnge twitched his perfectly shaped moustache, and turned around.

"Adrien Agreste made it quite clear that he wanted you two to know everything. And also, as the women who found Mr. Agreste, it is customary to share a certain amount of information with you." Chloe nodded, allowing the doctor to return to his field.


Chloe sat on her bed with her phone in her hand. It seemed she always did that. She was squealing with happiness. Adrien had been released from the hospital a week ago, and after he and his father got into a fight, he was allowed to go back to school. "Pollen, this is huge!"

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