Chapter Twenty-Two: Answers from a Tom Cat

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Adrien walked from his car to the steps of Collège François DuPont, a slight limp following his every move. The bandage on his forehead had been recently changed, and the only Band-Aids he had left were on the bridge of his nose, and his knee. There was plenty of people out front of the school that he did not recognize, and it made him uncomfortable. How many new people had come to their school? How much had he missed? He knew he certainly missed out on the bee miraculous. Chloe, or Queen Bee as he was told, had only been around for a good couple of months. Adrien walked up the stone steps, leaning on the brick banister the whole time. A young girl ran into him on his way to who he presumed were her friends, sending him to the floor. She turned back, a look of horror on her round face. One of her friends, a tall boy, but shorter than Adrien standing full up, glared at him. "Out of the way punk."

"Hey!" A voice pierced through the crowd. "You don't talk to him that way!" Alya and Chloe had made an appearance. The boy sized them up. They were shorter than him, making him think he had the upper hand.

"What are going to do about it, pip-squeak?" Chloe's face was pink from embarrassment as she took her early leave to help Adrien up.

"Who you callin' pip-squeak, pip-squeak?" Alya challeneged.

"You're the one shorter than me, sweatheart." Alya was beet red from anger.

"You are talking to a woman who created an internationally followed blog about superheroes, who also just happens to be a senior at this school. That boy," she said, pointing at Adrien. "Is one of my best friends, and also just so happens to have gone through a rough time. Leave him alone. He was walking up the stairs."

"Y-you're Alya Cesaire?" The boy feined fear, then doubled over laughing. "You're not some kind of goddess, and neither is this kid. Everyone goes through their own messed up stuff." Alya lost it. She was trying so hard not to drag his name into it, but she wanted this kid to eat dirt.

"That kid, is Adrien Agreste." The boy looked from Alya to Adrien, gathering it all in his head.

"Wait, really?"

"Yes! Maybe don't treat people harshly, for you don't know what they're going thr-" Alya looked back at Adrien, who was having a full-on panic attack on the step where he had landed. "Adrien!" He didn't know why basic things like shouting could make him flip out, but it did. "Everyone go to class!" They all looked at her like she was crazy. "Now!" This time, they obeyed. "Adrien... are you okay?" Her voice was quiet and gentle, soothing his anxiety. Chloe and Alya talked to him in quiet voices, coaxing him to stand.

"I'm fine. Let's just get to class."

"You sure? Chloe asked. "It'll be a lot more hectic in the class. You might get really confused, and lose control of your emotions."

"As long as you fill me in adequately, I'm sure it won't be too bad." He smiled, and they led him through the halls. They informed him of their newfound friendship, new classmates, Marc and Luka, as well as Luka and Alya being a thing, which Adrien wasn't entirely supporting of. He knew Luka, and was friendly with him, but he knew Alya and Nino just had to get together. Lastly, he was told about Lila. "Oh, god." Of course, they told him just as they reached the classroom. "Can you guys... uh, maybe talk to them before I come in?"


"Just, as like, a warning to them to not flip out right away."

"Sure. We won't be too long, I promise Adrikk... Adrien." Adrien smiled as Chloe held back the childhood nick-name she knew he hated. "Alright. Going in." Chloe and Alya stepped into the room, clearly much later than the bell.

"Ladies, if you're going to be late this many times in a year, I can't allow you to just walk into my class without repercussions." Chloe walked up to Mrs. Bustier, whispering in her ear why they were so late. Caline Bustier's face lit up, and a smile played on her face. Excitement was clearly evident in her manner, as she jumped up. "Attention. We have a guest that, well... will be permanent." A couple confused mumbles went around the room. "I would like you all to be quiet and gentle so he can get readjusted easy. He might answer your questions, but you have to be patient. He's been through a lot." She nodded at Alya and Chloe. Alya opened the door slowly, and Chloe helped Adrien walk into the room. There were gasps. Not a single eye was dry in the room. Despite their teacher's clear instructions, the class flipped out.

"Adrien!" Many ran from their seats and threw their arms around the boy, ending with the whole class in a group hug. Adrien winced, but stayed strong. These were all his friends after all. There was nothing to fear. In an instant, a jillion questions were thrown at him, many concerning what happened. Adrien turned and asked Alya to help.

"Alright everyone! That's okay, everything's fine. Please go back to your seats!" as everyone shuffled back to their chairs, Alya whispered to Adrien. "Are you sure you're up to answering questions?"

"Paw-sitive." His response was so serious, it almost made Alya laugh.

"Where'd Adrien go?" she said jokingly. "He seems to have been replaced by Chat Noir." Adrien realized his mistake, but did pretty much nothing about it.

"Chat Noir deserves some recognition for his great puns sometimes. Besides, I'm pretty sure Paris has been without his puns for almost a year. While he's gone, I think I can contribute." He was quiet and stern. "Alright." He said, turning towards his seated classmates. His voice wasn't as loud as he would have liked, but it could at least be heard. "I can take some questions if you like. If that's okay with Mrs. Bustier?" she nodded encouragingly to the young boy. Hands went up all across the room, some waving excitedly. "Yes?" he asked, pointing at Rose.

"How are you feeling?" It felt so nice for someone to finally have that as their first question. Adrien was so used to people asking what happened, it caught him off guard.

"I-I've been better." There were some chuckles as he continued. "I'm clearly a lot better than I've been in a while. Right now, ... I'm feeling pretty good. Thank you for asking Rose." He smiled his almost buck-toothed smile, causing Rose to respond in a similar fashion. Adrien pointed to Alex next. She had grown her short hair out longer, though it was still in a ponytail.

"How'd you escape your... predicament? Did you fight your capturer off?" Adrien almost laughed. It was a miracle that he stumbled out of the Notre Dame at all. The winding maze of the catacombs beneath were a tricky thing, especially when you're trapped there in almost no light. Well, that, and when you had just gotten out of a fist fight.

"Well, uh... you could say that." He didn't want too many people knowing of what really happened. It could put them in danger. Alex seemed pleased with his half-assed answer, and allowed him to point to another. This time, his finger landed on Luka.

"Was it Hawkmoth who captured you?" The atmosphere in the room turned stuffy and dark at the mention of their oppressor. Adrien stalled for a moment.

"W-well... I believe it to have been him and a co-conspirator." Conversations spread across the room, until he motioned at Lila.

"Will you date m-"

"Okay. That's enough for today. Adrien doesn't need this kind of intense pressure and attention on his first day back." Everyone could hear the protests of Lila as she was cut off by Alya. Adrien seemed relieved that it was over, and silently thanked Alya. "Mrs. Bustier, thank you for allowing this interruption. We hand the class back over to you."

"Thank you Alya, and thank you, Adrien, for answering some of our burning questions. I know it can be hard to talk about such things." She cleared her throat as she smiled at Adrien. She turned her attention back to the class as she leaned against her desk. "May this be the most joyous day in our class's history, and may you all treat this day as any other in this period. This may be a happy day, but that it no excuse for you to not participate in class." Students groaned as their teacher changed the subject, and Lila was fuming. "Adrien, I have a sheet of all we have learned this year." She said as she placed a piece of paper on his desk. "I would like you to indicate what you know, and what you don't so we can get you completely caught up. As for everyone else, turn your books back to page sixty-eight, and continue from where we left off."

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