Chapter Four: Busy Is My Middle Name

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Chloe sat on her lush bed in her father's hotel, smiling down at her phone screen. Sabrina was sending pictures to their group chat on Instagram, Lila was talking about Luka, and, like always, Chloe was enjoying their "company". Before high school, it was rare that anyone wanted to even speak to her. Many turned their heads at the mention of her name. They knew her history. That's as plain as it gets. They knew what she had done, and wanted nothing to do with it. She was glad she finally had people that cared about her, and that she cared about in return. The smile stayed on her face until she heard a gentle knock at the door. "Hello?" There came no reply. "Um, yes?" All that answered was silence. "Ugh, must be some kids staying at the hotel," In the last year, her father had to cut back on finances and allow everyone to stay in his less than prestigious hotel. It was all in the fact that he was no longer the mayor of Paris.

Chloe's phone provided a warning of low battery, but the blonde disregarded it. She continued texting her friends until the subject of those missing came up.

Not_a_Liar: I heard they are going to put graves up for all of the people that went missing

Sabrinatheteenagehuman: what rlly?

Not_a_Liar: Yeah my mom showed me an article this morning

Not_a_Liar: I barely remember most of the people that actually were kidnapped

Not_a_Liar: I mean, the day Kagami went missing, no one really cared but the day that Marinette girl went missing everyone flipped out

Sabrinatheteenagehuman: well, marinette was the class representative, and she was friends with almost everybody. Kagami was a shrimp compared to how many friends and connections marinette had

_everyones_fav_blonde_: Could u guys plz stop talking as if they are all dead?!

Not_a_Liar: srry chlo I forgot how close you were to adrien

Not_a_Liar: I stopped keeping up with him after my chances were ruined by Ladybug

Chloe was about to type back about how she had never had a chance with him at all, when her screen went dark. "Stupid phone!" She threw the device onto her pillow and stared up at the ceiling. "Ugh, I ordered my sushi an hour ago! Does it really take this much time to deliver some darned Asian food?!" As if on cue, there was a knock on the door.

"Ms. Chloe? I have your order ready. I apologize for it taking so long," outside her door was the butler she could never remember the name of. He was the only one still willing to work for the family. "Would you like me to bring your package in as well?" 'Package?' Thought Chloe.

"Um, yeah," the dark-haired butler came into the room holding a tray of sushi, and a small octagonal box. He set them both in front of her, and set for the door. "John Claude, do you happen to know if my father will be back before ten?"

"I do not believe so, no miss."

"Right. Thanks," Chloe picked up her chopsticks resting on the tray, and began eating her meal. She was well halfway into it when she paid any mind to the black and red box on her bed. The more she thought about it, the more intrigued she was. As soon as she finished her sushi, she set the tray aside, and picked up the small box. Ancient Chinese symbols were pained onto its surface, making the package even more strange. 'Why would someone send me something with Chinese on it? I can't read that!'

It was constructed of wood, though none Chloe had ever seen. It was clearly not painted, but was somehow a smooth matte black. Seeing as how it didn't sound, look, smell, or feel dangerous, she opened it. Chloe instantly regretted it as she staggered back in fear, blindly searching for her blanket to hide under. The light that had burst from the box was a nice warm yellow. The intensity of the light, however, wasn't as nice as a 'warm yellow'. It was like staring into the sun. Even with the separation between her and the anomaly, Chloe felt scared for her life. The shine from the box faded after about a minute, and a soft noise reminiscent of an insect's wings could be heard throughout the room. "If I get out of bed and see a drone trying to capture me naked, I swear there are going to be immense repercussions!" Chloe's commanding voice boomed. A dainty sneeze is all that followed. "Who's there?" Nothing. "I repeat, who is there!?" Her voice shook with fear and rage.

"There is no need to be afraid. I am not here to hurt you... or to see you naked for that matter," a small, fierce, proper voice spoke from right outside the blanket. 'What in the name of God is that?!' the young girl thought to herself. "I am not a that, but a who. There's a difference. Now come on, I promise, the faster you get over this and let me see you, the less this city will suffer," 'Jesus Christ! it can read my mind!' "Again, I am a she, but continue." 'There's a weird glowing female thing in my room... that just appeared there!' "No... not true. I am no male nor female. We kwami's do not agree with human ideas such as gender. We have over time however, adopted the use of your pronouns. I prefer the feminine ones. Makes me feel fabulous."

"Okay... I must be insane! That's what this is... or this is a dream. It's definitely one of the two, seeing as how the term 'kwami' does not exist," Chloe finally spoke.

"I beg your pardon?! The term 'kwami' most definitely exists! I am real! I have been for over three millennia!"

"Wow, you don't sound a day over ninety."

"Oh, come off it. I... can we just have a face-to-face conversation? I feel so disengaged talking to a lump in a blanket. Can you just look at me? Please?" Chloe reluctantly lifted the blanket off her head.

"A giant bee! Get it away from me! I don't want to be stung!" She whined.

"Get a grip on yourself! I don't understand human's infantile ways. Why of all kwami's was I forced to suffer with this? Master Fu, why!?" The kwami looked to the sky, sensing the all-knowing master would hear. "I... I'm sorry. I should give you a chance," The black and yellow creature floated towards Chloe and extended her fuzzy arm. "Let's start over. Greetings, my queen. I am Pollen, your kwami."

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