Chapter Six: Greetings and Salutations

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Alya began her walk from school to her home with a sad smile on her face, recalling a memory from over a year prior. Nino had snuck behind her with his hands above his head resembling fox ears. "Alya... Rena Rouge will see you now." He whispered. They laughed and snorted and cried, gripping their sides. "I can do better, I'm Carapace!" Alya said, taking Nino's green jacket and covering her backpack it. The two laughed harder, and continued on the way to her home, holding hands. Alya didn't realize she was crying until she got to her house. She silently walked up to her room and shut the door, avoiding her chaotic younger sisters. Trixx looked at her with sad eyes, silently understanding. When she sat on her bed, she decided to write her entry.

Day 406:

Dear LadyBlog,

I'm back. I could never leave. You're my only outlet to drain my emotions other than Trixx, and I know she doesn't want to hear my ranting my feelings 24/7. Class was anti-climactic. Chloe did nothing bad to me all day! She actually stopped Lila and Sabrina from harassing me at lunch. I don't know when she changed, but she did. Not like it's a bad change, but it's strange. I see my new partner in about ten minutes. I still have yet to meet them. It will definitely be strange. I really don't think I'm ready. I just want to make everyone safe and proud. Trixx will need to be fed before we go through with everything though. I guess I should do that.


Alya Césaire

"Trixx, I think mom is at the Dupain-Cheng's bakery placing the order for the twin's birthday. The house should be empty since Ella and Etta are at daycare, so you can go get some fresh strawberries from the fridge," Alya called to her kwami as she placed her diary under the floorboard once again. Trixx nodded and flew through the house, leaving Alya alone in her room again. The pictures upon pictures that she had blown up and printed off her phone were hung on the walls, each depicting her and her best friends together. There was one photo that she refused to look at however: all of the heroes together. It had been taken professionally, and each member of the team had their signature at the bottom. The man whom had owned it thought he would be smart and sell it. It was after the disappearances. He was robbed the night he was to ship it to the buyer. Robbed by a conniving fox. It wasn't her proudest moment, but there was no way that Alya was not going to have it. Every time she saw it, she would cry. It was a constant reminder of why she is a hero. To protect people, and to keep them from criminal activity. She had failed at both of her standards.

"Kit, are you ready to go? I've eaten, and I brought you a sandwich for the road!" Trixx came soaring in from the cracked door with a PB&J.

"Yeah, I'm ready. And thanks... for the food." She gazed at the sandwich. She hadn't eaten all day. "Trixx, let's pounce!"

Rena Rouge arrived at the Eiffel Tower at 4:00, the time Master Fu had told her to arrive. Nothing was out of the ordinary, except that the tower's elevator being shut down. It was totally clear of people. Only Rena. Well, almost. A figure hid under the platform at the top of the tower. Chloe was attempting to gather her thoughts and confidence. She thought she was ready for this, but she was wrong. 'Maybe I can just go home?' she thought. Her grip tightened on the steel beams of the tower. Even though she had the slimmest possibility of dying out of any person in Paris right now, she was still terrified. "Are you going to come show yourself, or are you going to keep hiding? I promise, I don't bite." Rena Rouge spoke from above. 'How the hell did she know I'm here?!' No matter what she thought, Chloe made her way onto the platform. When she stood flat on its surface, she could see the back of her role model near the rail.

"R-Rena Rouge?" Chloe spoke, her words showing how intimidated she really was. Rena turned around, almost confused on why the prestigious girl before her was covered in yellow and black spandex. She looked delicate and detailed, like a prized china doll. "The one and only. And what's your name, Princess?" A blush spread across the girl's face.

"Cl- Queen Bee." Her and Pollen had spoken of the importance of an alter ego, a hero "pen-name". "I... it's an honor to be here today, though I don't really understand much of it. My kwami, she, well, all she said was I was a hero, and I needed to get my ass here. I don't suppose you know much about why I was chosen, do you?"

"Well, Princess, I-"

"It's Queen Bee."

"Right. Queenie." Chloe gave up. If Rena Rouge wanted to call her arousing nick-names, so be it. Two can play at that game. "You would have been chosen because the Master believes that you are hero material. He sees something in you, don't let him down." Chloe felt a sense of pride at these words. Someone believes in her.

"Alright Foxy. Where do we begin?" Alya rolled her eyes at the nick-name while sporting a magnificent blush.

"Well, first, I guess we should start with the basics. As a hero, it is our duty to protect the city and all its inhabitants. That is priority number one. One of the ways we do that, is keeping our identities a secret. If people were to know that we run around this city saving everyone from doom... they would be at great risk. Hawkmoth could go after anyone, and he would target anyone who knew us to try and get information out of them. We tell no one."

"What about each other?" Alya shook her head sadly.

"Not even each other." Queen Bee looked slightly shocked, but stayed quiet. "If Ladybug and Chat Noir are ever to decide... that is when we will reveal ourselves to each other. We are a family. We protect each other, and we hold each other's backs. No backing out. We get through it all together." Tears formed in Rena's eyes, but she held them at bay. "Okay, regarding those controlled by akumas, we don't harm them. The people that are akumatized are damaged emotionally, not physically. We try to keep it that way. Since Ladybug isn't here to capture the akumas, I've been collecting them in glass jars. Also, we have to be extra careful, because nothing can be reversed. All the damage is permanent for now."

"Isn't there a way to fix that? Why don't we just find Ladybug and the rest of them? It's been, like, a year now. We need them," Rena looked down. She couldn't control the tears anymore. They spilt down her face, streaking across her multi-colored mask. She looked directly into her new partner's eyes, the bright blue of them showing immense concern.

"We're working on that."

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