Chapter Seventeen: Lie Detector

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"After that, Trixx explained that I was being given the miraculous to keep this time. Hawkmoth had created an akuma that could literally kill and destroy everything."

"Wow... that's... wow. So... wow."

"It's not that cool."

"It's your hero backstory."

"It's not my hero backstory." Alya's phone rang beside her, but she ignored it, letting it ring out. "Ella and Etta getting akumatized, now that's my hero backstory."

"I think it's a combination of both."

"Yeah." Her phone rang again, and once again she let it keep ringing. "Did that live up to your expectations?"

"Well, yeah. It was action packed, dramatic, and true to real events. Thank you fo- can you please get that? It's probably your mother." Luka said as her phone rang again.

"Ugh, fine." Alya answered at the third ring. "What?!"

"Don't use that tone with me! I want to pick you up so we can talk. You know, about your past times. Flying about. You didn't tell me you played flute." Alya was speechless. Her mother wouldn't know these things unless... she knew who she was.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I've never played flute in my life."

"Yes, you have! Are you saying I don't know my own daughter?"

"D-did you go through my things?" Alya's anger was boiling. The only time she had slipped up and not been careful was with Luka. Her mother must have read her diary.

"When my daughter doesn't talk to me, yeah, I can dig through your things! You are my child who is not allowed to hide things from me. I did not raise you to be like this!" Marlena Césaire screamed into her phone, reading through her daughter's personal documented life.

"I am almost an adult! I deserve my privacy!" Alya screamed even louder than her mother. Luka tried to calm her down, but she continued to seethe. "And FYI, I have the right as a person to keep secrets!"

"If you told me things and shared your secrets, you wouldn't have tried to kill yourself! Those small, white, jagged scars on your ankles and wrists wouldn't be there! You should tellme things! When you don't, I will expose your secrets and help you." She seemed to be reaching out, trying to comfort her suffering teen.

"I don't need help, not from someone as nosy as you." Alya hung up with a 'hmph', throwing her phone back onto the bed. Marlena, halfway across Paris, had tears surging from the ducts of her eyes. She clutched the beaten diary of her daughters to her chest. A small, black and purple butterfly squeezed itself between the panes and the window seal, flapping towards the professional chef. She didn't even see it from the tears in her eyes. It flew into the diary in her hands, turning the book purple. 'Lie Detector, I am Hawkmoth. Your daughter has lied and hid who she is from you. I will give you the power to expose everyone's secrets. Everyone will be able to help each other. In return, I'll need a little something.' Hawkmoth spoke it her mind, removing all doubts. "Yes Hawkmoth." Marlena stood with a sinister smile, purple and black seeping up her legs is bubbles. In Marlena's place was a figure wearing a white, knee-length dress. Her hair was curled, and her eyes were covered with a detailed gold and white mask. Back on Luka's boat, Alya began packing her bag.

"I really do have to go. I loved hanging out with you Luka. Maybe we can do it again sometime?"

"Yeah... maybe. Au revoir!" Alya summoned Trixx, and Rena Rouge was flying through the streets.

"I cheated on you with your sister!"

"My breasts aren't really this big!"

"I'm pregnant!" Alya heard the strangest things coming from the people of Paris. She flew down to street level to see people stuck in place, screaming their secrets to the world. In the middle of it all was a tan woman with long, curled, chocolate locks. She had a plain white dress, and a beautiful gold and white mask.

"The star of the show finally decided to come! Lovely. Do you want to tell me to my face, or do I have to force it out of you?" Alya stared at her mother. She had gotten akumatized because she didn't tell her secrets. Is that what she wanted to talk about all those times?

"Mother, please. This isn't ne-"

"I thought I did something wrong! I thought that you hated me! And it's Lie Detector now! Tell me your truth!" Lie Detector opened the diary and aimed it at Rena Rouge. Thank god for her enhanced agility, for without it, she would never have been able to evade the shots. Lie Detector groaned as Queen Bee showed up to help, screaming 'venom', her trompo throbbing with the substance of the same name. "Heroes, you never stop hiding things. I wonder who you are, Queen Bee." Queen Bee screamed as she dodged the blasts, keeping her weapon in position. Lie Detector made her way up to Rena Rouge, holding the diary in front of her. Rena Rouge was turned the opposite direction, attempting to help the citizens of Paris.

"Rena!" Queenie ran towards her, but was thrown backwards by Lie Detector. Rena Rouge didn't hear Queen Bee over the cries of the Parisians. "No..." Lie Detector was right behind Rena Rouge, a sinister smile playing across her features. "Stop!" Queen Bee threw her trompo at the villain, stinging her with the end. The diary was an inch from Rena's head.

Alya turned to face her mother, ready to finish her off when she saw Queen Bee had already done it. Alya took the diary from her hands and ripped a singular page. It was still her diary, and she didn't want to ruin it since she couldn't get it fixed. Queen Bee held out a mason jar to her partner, unscrewing the lid as she did so. "So," Chloe asked as Rena scooped the akuma into the jar. "Why'd she get akumatized?" Alya was stumped. She wanted to be truthful to her partner, but telling her that she didn't tell her mother her secret, then she would know who she was.

"You know... I really don't know."

"She called you the star of the show."

"She probably meant that because we're the heroes." Chloe could tell Rena was hiding something, but she didn't want to scare her off.

"Yeah... probably."

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