Chapter 2

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After we got done with our walk, we walked to Gus's car. He opened the door for me like a real gentlemen. Gus got in the car and started it. We drove off and headed to Issac's house. Most people would think that we were doing the wrong thing because we had just gotten engaged and we decided to go to our best friend's house and not go to my house or his to tell my parents first. Well, I think were not doing the wrong thing, I think were doing the right thing. I mean I'm only 18 and gus is 19. Imagine our parents finding out that their teenage kids are getting married.  I know that we are close to our 20's and that we are both legal adults now but we are still teenagers. We pulled into Issac's driveway. We both got out of the car and walked up to the front door. Gus knocked on the door. The door opened and it was Issac's mother.

"Oh, hi Gus and Hazel. Such a plessure to see you again." Issac's mother said to us with a big smile on her face. "Issac is in his room, feel free to come in."  We both walked inside and walked down the hallway to issac's room. His door was shut. Gus knocked on it and Issac opened the door. "Hey, Issac, Me and Hazel Grace are here." Augustus said. "And I'm guessing you are Augustus." Issac said to Gus with a laugh. "You are correct!" Gus said to Issac in a game show host way. We were all laughing. All 3 of us sat down on Issac's bed. "So, why did you guys come over here?" Issac asked us. Gus looked at me. "Do you wanna tell him?" Augustus asked me.  "How about you tell him." I told Augustus. Augustus smiled at me with that cute crooked smile of his and put his arm around me. "Tell me what?" Issac asked. "Me and Hazel Grace are getting married." Augustus said calmly. "Your what?!?!" Issac questioned with excitement. "Yep. He proposed today at the park while we were walking." I said with a big smile on my face. I looked up at augustus and I saw tht he was looking down at me with a smile. He kissed me on my forehead and we both looked at I ssac again. "Wow, congratulations!" Issac said with even more excitement. After we talked a little bit longer with Issac, Me and Augustus said bye to Issac and left. Augustus had bought him his own apartment ever since his cancer went away which was about a year ago. There was a moment of silence for about 2 minutes in the car."So, do you want to go to my place?" Gus asked and broke the silence. "Sure." I said. He pulled down the street that his house was on. He pulled into his driveway and we both got out of the car.

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