Chapter 12

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2 Hours Later...

Augustus POV

Me and Hazel signed Emily out of the Hostpital. She had to be in a wheelchair until me and Hazel got her oxygen tank and cannula. I pushed Emily in her wheelchair to the car while Hazel walked beside us. I opened backseat door and picked Emily up out of her wheelchair. I laid Emily down in the backseat. Hazel folded up Emily's wheelchair. I shut the door then opened the trunk, I put Emily's wheelchair in the trunk and grabbed Hazel's hand. I walked her over to the passenger's side door I opened it for her then I walked over to the driver's seat door. I opened the door and got into the car. I started the car and drove out of the parking lot.

3 Hours Later...

I was laying with Emily on her bed while reading her favorite book to her. It was called 'The Famous Dog'. It was about a dog that won a lot of dog shows and ended being the best in the whole world. Hazel Grace was making lunch. About 5 minutes after we finished the book, Emily fell asleep. "Gus,         Emily, come get lunch!" Hazel yelled so that she could get me and Emily's attention. I carefully stood up and covered Emily up with her comforter. I walked down the hallway and into the kitchen. Hazel turned around and looked at me. "Where's Emily?" She asked with a worried look. "She is asleep. Do you want me to go wake her up?" I asked. Hazel picked up the plate that had a turkey sandwich on it and potato chips. She handed the plate to me. "Well she needs to eat but she has to be really tired from being in the hostpital all night. I say we just let her sleep for about 30 more minutes then wake her up." She said with a smile. "Okay." I said and I smiled back at her. I sat my plate on the table and sat in my chair. Hazel grabbed her coffee cup and sat down in her chair which was across from me. She usally never dricks coffee this late in the day but I guess she was tired from being at the hostpital. 30 minutes later, Hazel sat her coffee cup down on the table and stood up. She walked down the hallway and into Emily's room. About 10 minutes later, Hazel and Emily came wak=lking own the hallway. Emily can still walk but the only way she can walk is if someone is holding her hand or has their hands on her shoulders. When we get her oxygen tank and cannula she can walk without someone. Me and Hazel are planning on getting it tomorrow. Hazel is going to stay home with Emily while I go to the doctor's office and pick up Emily's things. Hazel and Emily walked into the kitchen. Hazel helped Emily sit down in her chair. Emily can barley eat right now because of the medications that the doctor's gave her at the hostpital so Hazel helped her eat. I just watched Hazel help Emily. Hazel Grace is a great mother. I hope she does not feel like this cancer thing is her fault. Hazel and Emily started saying funny things and laughung. I smiled at her and Emily. I started to wonder how much more time I have until my beautiful little girl's laugh will be gone forever.

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