Chapter 8

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I finally found the Nurse that was pushing Emily on the gurney. I got beside the gurney and grabbed Emly's hand. I startedd to cry. She was still breathing normally but I could tell that she would be struggling for air anytime now. I was trying not to be like my mother and say what she said when I was in this condition. "I won't be a mother anymore." that was my mother's exact words. We finally got to her room. The Nurse turned the gurney and went inside. "I know this is your daughter but you are gonna have to go back to the waiting area." The Nurse said with a smile on her face. I don't see how she could smile while she said that. "Okay. When can I come back in?" I asked as I wiped my tears off of my face. "We will come get you." The nurse replied. "Okay." I said as I walked out of the room. I walked back into the waiting room and saw Augustus sitting in one of the chairs. He was looking down at his hands then he looked up. He saw me and stood up. I walked over to him and took a deep breath. "Is she okay?" He asked. "I don't know. They won't tell me. The Nurse sent me out of the room." I said trying not to break into a puddle of tears. I guess he could tell that I was holding my tears in because he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I rested my head on his chest and let my tears just run out of my eyes. I could not control them. "It's okay. She will be okay." Gus said. "Okay." I said back as my voice started to break. "Okay." H said back as he put his hand through my hand my hair. After about 10 minutes, He let go of me and we sat down in the chairs. He held my hand and I was holding onto it tightly. I laid my head on his shoulder. A few minutes later, the Nurse walked into the waiting area. "Mr. and Mrs.Waters?" The Nurse asked. We both stood up and walked over to her with our hands still locked together. "Is she okay?" I asked with eagerness. "We really don't know yet. Right now she is in the care of Dr.Jones. They do know that she had fluid in her lungs and that usally means that there is a virus in the lungs. That part has been taken care of and we have a tube in her and the fluid is draining. She is okay for that part but Dr.Jones wants her to have a PET scan so we can see if there is a virus. So, we really don't know if she really is okay. If she does have a virus then we will have to put her under chemo therapy and radiation but if the virus ends up being cancer then we can't really do treatment. We took some X-rays and we saw something in the middle of her lungs. So, we know there is something there but we are not for sure it is a virus or not. Since it is in the middle of the lungs, that means there is only a 50% chance of her living and a 50% chance of dying and that means that treatment won't work. Basically it is her fight." The Nurse said to us. I put my forehead on Gus's shoulder and started to cry again. He wrapped his arms around me. "Can we go see her now?" Augustus asked the Nurse. "Of course, your wife already knows where her room is so I will go now." The Nurse said with a smile and then walked away. Augustus had is arm around me while we walked down the hallways. When we got to Emily's room, my heart started racing Augustus knocked then opened the door. We saw her laying there with a tube in her side and a oxygen mask on her face. It was hard for me to look at her but I have to accept the fact that my little girl may have the worst thing that ever stepped into this world. There are other things that are worse than cancer but to me cancer is the worst. There was a Nurse sitting by her bed that was reading her a story. Me and Augustus walked closer towards her bed. Gus grabbed 2 chairs and moved them next to her bed. Me and Augustus sat down in the chairs. "I will give you guys some privacy." The Nurse said as she closed the book and walked out of the room. Augustus grabbed one of her hands and I grabbed the other one. "Daddy, when can I go home?" Emily asked Augustus. She was talking pretty well with the oxygen mask. When I had one I could barely talk. "Soon." Augustus said. That was all that we could say, really. We did not know when she was coming home. "Okay." Emily said as she closed her eyes. A few minutes later, she was in a deep sleep.

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