Chapter 7

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I woke up at 3:00am to Emily screaming "MOMMY! MOMMY! MOMMY!". I woke Augustus up and ran into Emily's room. "Oh my gosh, Emily, what's wrong? What's going on?" I said in panic. She was pointing to her chest and trying to gasp for air. I automatically knew what was going on. I tried to pick her up but I couldn't. "AUGUSTUS! EMILY CAN'T BREATHE! COME PICK HER UP!" I screamed with tears running down my eyes. He ran in and then ran over to me and Emily. He picked Emily up and she grabbed onto his neck. She started to get some air and started to talk a little bit. "Da- Daddy?" She asked while stuttering. Augustus looked down at her and started to get tears in his eyes. "Daddy's right here. Mommy is too." Gus said calmly so that it would calm her down. We ran outside and got into the car. I was driving and Augustus was in the back seat with Emily. We were halfway down the road when next thing we know she is blacked out. "Hazel Grace, she's unconcious! I don't know what to do! I only know how to take care of you when your unconcious! She's a lot younger!" Gus said in panic with tears running down his face. "It's okay, we are almost to the hostpital. Just put this in her nose and she should be able to breathe normally." I took my canuela out of my nose and handed it to Augustus. He looked at me like I was crazy. "Just put it in her nose and she will breathe normally and soon wake up." I said with teary eyes. He put it in her nose and a few seconds later she started breathing normally. I started having trouble breathing. Emily woke up and looked around. "Babe, do I keep the canuela in her nose or can I take it out?" Gus asked. "She... will be okay. Just take... it out." I said trying to get air to breathe. Augustus took my canuela out of her nose and handed it back to me. We turned into the hostpital parking lot and parked. I put my canuela back in my nose and got out of the car. I opened the back seat door of the car and helped Gus out. He got out and picked Emily up.  I could not run so we fast walked into the hostpital. Gus ran up to the reception desk and I continued to fast walk. "Excuse me, we need a doctor right now. Our daughter is havng trouble breathing." Augutsus said with panic. "Of course. Nurse, bring a gurney over here!" The Receptionist yelled across the waiting area to the nurse. The Nurse came over to us pushing a gurney. Gus laid Emily down on the gurney and the nurse rolled her away. "I am going to need one of you to stay out here and fill out the papers." The Receptionist said to us. "Babe, I think you should go with her. I will stay here and fill out the papers." Gus said as he put his hand on my cheek. "Okay." I said as I put my hand over his hand. "Okay." He said back. I walked away and tryed to catch up to the Nurse who was pushing Emily on the gurney.

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