Chapter 10

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I pulled into our driveway and got ut of the car. I walked to the front door and opened it and walked into to Emily's room. I grabbed a bag out of her closet and packed her 'My Little Pony' blanket, her favorite stuffed animal, and her Kindle Fire. I walked out of er room and shut her door back and walked out the front door. I locked the front door and walked back to the car. I opened the door and got in. I started the car and Pulled out of the driveway. I drove to the hostpital and I pulled into the parking lot. I got out of the car carrying Emily's bag in one of my hands and pulling my oxygen tank in my other hand. I walked into the hostpital and walked down the hallways to Emily's rom. I knocked on the door then opened it. I walked in and saw that Emily was still asleep. "I'm back." I said as I walked in and shut the door behind me. I walked over to Augustus and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "The nurse came in and said that they are going to do the PET scan in about 2 hours." He said as he grabbed my hand. "Have you been sitting here this whole time? Have you had breakfast?" I asked with worry. "Yeah and I have not because I was waiting on you." He said with a smile. " Okay." I said as I sat down next to him. Emily started moving. She opened her eyes and looked at us. "Mommy? Daddy?" She asked. "Yes, sweetheart?" I asked her with a smile. "Can I go home now?" She asked. "Not yet, I'm sorry but I did go home and get you some of your things."  I said as I grabbed her hand. "Did you grab Billy?" She asked with worry. Billy was her stuffed animal. It is a turtle and she can't survive without it. I'm surprised that she slept without it last night. I pulled out her stuffed animal and handed it to her. It put a big smile on her face. She gave her stuffed animal a big hug and a big kiss. Me and Augustus laughed a little bit and I laid my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me and kissed my forehead. We just talked and talked and talked to Emily and laughed with her. We also played with her stuffed animal and made him talk for her. We were all laughing when the Nurse came in to take her to her PET scan. "How about you guys go get somethig to eat in the cafeteria. She will be out in about 45 minutes." The Nurse said with a smile on her face. "Okay." Augustus said. Augustus and I stood up and he grabbed my hand. When we were about to walk out of the room hand-in-hand, Emily made a coughing noise so that she could get our attention. "Take Billy for me and feed him. Take good care of him." Emily said with a serious look on her face. She holds out her stuffed animal so that I could grab it. I stopped holding Gus's hand and walked over to her. I grabbed the stuffed animal and leaned down next to her. "I will." I said witha smile on my face.I kissed her on her forehead. I walked back to Augustus and he grabbed my hand again. We walked out of the room and walked to the cafeteria hand-in-hand.

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