Chapter 23 (Final Chapter)

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(A/N: Okay so I just realized the funniest thing ever! I was reading Chapter 22 agau=in and i saw that the rest of the last sentence did not appear so it looked liek a cliff hanger but it was not meant to be one! Lol! Sorry about that. I guess my computer messed up (It is the first ever MacBook, so of course it messed up lol) Anyway, the rest of the sentence will be explained in this chapter! Since this is the last chapter... The sequel should be up later today or tonight or tomorrow or tommorrow night. Now, let the fangirling begin...)

Emily's POV

In the infinity sign there was a lot of silver jewls but in the midst of all of the jewls, there was 2 different colors. They looked like birthstones. (How do I know what birthstones are and how do I know the EXACT colors of them? I have nothing to do all day so I learned something while being home from school for like the past month!) One of them was Peridot, which is August and is my birth month, and the other one was Zircon, which is December and I don't know why that color is on there.

"Are these birthstones?" I ask my parents.

"Yep." My Dad says.

"Okay so that's means that this one is mine but who's birthstone is this?" I say as I point to my birthstone then the other one.

"Well, that's also another surprise my Mom says with a smirk.

"What's the other surprise?"

My parents look at eachother and smile then they look back at me.

"You are getting a baby brother or sister!" My parents both say in usion.

"What?!" I ask with excitement and surprise in my voice.

"Yep and that's why we have that color birthstone on the necklace because it's coming in December!" My dad says with excitement.

"Yay! That's only 7 months away!" (A/N: Yeah. It took them 2 months to tell Emily.) A smile of joy appears on my face. My parents hug me and we all laugh in excitement.

I hope these next 7 months go by fast!

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