Chapter 14

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1 Month Later...

It has been a month since we found out that Emily has cancer. Nothing has really changed. We have been living life like we normally have been. Me and Augustus take Emily to a therapist that helps her learn how to catch her breathe when she has trouble breathing and how to breathe when she is walking a lot. Emily's doctor reccomended this therapist to us. At first I did not think I wanted to let my daughter go to it but Augustus thought it was a good idea and convinced me. 

Me and Augustus were driving Emily to daycare since we are planning on going back to work today. We pulled into the daycare's parking lot and parked the car. Me and Augustus got out of the car and Augustus helped Emily out of the car. We walked into the daycare. I was holding Emily's hand and Augustus was holding her other hand. Me and Augustus signed Emily in and said our goodbyes and gave her lots of kisses then we drove to work.

Augutus drops me off at work and then we drives himself to work. We get off work at the same time so when he gets off, he comes and picks me up. I work as a social worker for Charter Ridge Orpanage. I thought it would be good to work as a social worker since I am a mother and I have a story that I can share with other cancer patients and give them the hope that they need. So, since I was already taking college classes when I thought of this, I changed what I was majoring in and studied social work. Augustus works at a physical therapy place. He thought it would be a good place for him to work because of his leg and his intrest in it. So, when he graduated high school, he went to college and studied in physical therapy.

Emily's POV...

I walked into my classroom and looked around the room. I have not seen any of these kids fo the past month. My friend, Sarah, noticed me and ran up to me with a confused lok on her face. "Hey, Emily. What's that?" Sarah asked. "Oh, this is something that helps me breathe." I said. "What's wrong?" She asked. "My parents told me that I have something called cancer. I don't know exactly what it is but it is in my lungs. I have to keep this thing in my nose and roll this tank around until it is gone." I said. "Oh, I'm sorry, Emily." She said. "It's okay." I said with a smile. There was a moment of scilence for about 2 minutes. "Hey, let's go and see Makayla. She has been wanting to know where you have been." Sarah said to break the scilence. "Okay." I said. Me and Sarah walk over to Makayla. "Hey, Makayla! Look who's back!" Sarah said with Excitement. Makayla stooped talking to her other friends and turned around to face me and Sarah. I will have to say, Makayla is highly afraid of germs. She never gets sick. Her parents make her pack baby wipes and hand sanitizer in her bag that she carries all of her toys in. She looks at me and smiles. "Emily! Your back!" Makayla said with excitement. She embraces me in a big hug. "What's thats?" Makayla asks as she points to my face. "I forgot what it's called but I know it helps me breathe. My mom said that I can not take it out of my nose." I said. "Wait doesn't your mom have the same thing?" Sarah asked. "Yep." I said. "So your whole family is sick now?" Makayla asked. "What? Yeah, me and my mom are sort of sick but my daddy's not sick." I pause fro a few seconds. "Anymore." I said quietly. "Exactly, I am sorry to say this, Emily, but I can't hang out with you anymore. Sorry." Makayla said. "But you can't get it. I don't see the  problem." I said. "The problem is not if I can get it or not. The problem is that your going to die and when you die I don't want to counted as one of your friends and be told that I need to speak at your funeral. I never liked you. You always get all of the attention because of your parents having good jobs and taking you to the doctor all the time." Makayla said. "They only take me to the doctor all the time because they love me and thry don't want me to be sick." I said. "Well, look a you now, you sre sick. So, I guess their plan to keep you healthy failed. That probably means that since you are not healthy anymore, they don't love you anymore." Makayla said. After that comment, me and Sarah walked away.

3 Hours Later...

Emily's POV...

Me and Sarah were playing with her barbie dolls. Makayla is still here but she is on the other side of the room. For the past 3 hours, I have been thinking about if my parents really love me or not. My dad walked into the room and walked over to me. "Hey, Princess. Are ready to go home?" He asked. "Yep." I said. "Bye, Sarah. I'll see you tomorrow." I said "Okay. Bye." Sarah said with a smile. We had to walk by Makayla in order to get to the classroom door. My dad was holding my hand. We walked by her and she grabbed my arm. "Hey, you know I was thinking about what I said earlier and I regret what I said about not coming to your funeral. I think I will come and just laugh my head off." Makayla said with a smile. She let go of my arm. "Bye, Buddy!" She said with fake excitement. I don't think my dad heard hat she said when she stopped us. My dad helped me into the backseat of the car and then got in the driver's seat. He started the car and drove out of the parking lot. We stopped at my mom's work and pickd her up then we drove home.

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