Chapter 19

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2 Days Later...

Augustus POV...

Yesterday we took Emily to the doctor because she had to take her chemo. They took a PET scan and told us that her cancer has gotton worse but there is still a 50 percent chance of life or death. Me and Hazel Grace decided to take off work again today because we thought we should let Emily rest. They said that if her cancer does not heal a little by the next treatment day, they will have to stop the treatment. I hope she gets better. I don't know what life would be like without her. Me and Hazel Grace would be in this house alone all of the time and have no one to talk to but eachother. 

I walked into Emily's room to see if she was awake. I saw that she was awake and she was playing on her kindle.

"Hey, Princess." I said with a smile.

"Hi, Daddy." Emily said.

"Are you hungry? Mommy has finished making breakfast." I said.

"Yeah, but can I have cereal?" Emily asked.

"Of course, sweetheart." I said with a big smile on my face. "I'll be back in a minute." I said.

"Okay." Emily said.

I walked out of the room and walked into the kitchen. Hazel Grace was in the kitchen and cleaning. She noticed that I walked in and she turned around. "Is she up?" Hazel Grace asked.

"Yep. She is playing on her kindle. She wants some cereal." I said.

"Okay. Is she feeling good?" She asked.

"She looks good but I don't really know how she is feeling." I said.

"Oh, okay. Well, I was thinking, since Emily is starting to get worse and she is not getting time to rest, I think we should pull her out of daycare for a while." She said.

"She is getting enough time to rest. There is no reason for her not to go to daycare." I said.

"Babe, there is a reason, okay? She is turning out like me at a younger age. They are already threatening to stop treatment and that basically means that it's her fight now. Not just the doctor's, ours, and hers. It is just hers. If they end up taking her off the treatment then they are basically pulling the plug." She said with tears in her eyes.

"Honey, what are you talking about?" I ask with worried look on my face.

"You know as much as I know that if they stop treatment then they are just pulling the plug. If we don't let her rest and if we don't focus on her for just a month, she is not going to try to fight. She is depending on that treatment right now. I'm sure that she is already not trying but as soon as that treatment stops, it's gonna show. I know she wants to die and she going to have the chance to decide if she is going to live or not and I already know what she is going to pick. She is going to pick death." She said.

"Look calm down, the treatment is not going to stop. Quit telling yourself that." I said.

"Look, if you don't want to help me keep our daughter in our lives you don't. You don't have to take off work anymore after today for her. I have saved all of my vacation days up and so I can take off for 2 monhs if I want to." She snapped.

"Hazel, stop! I want to help but you are assuming things! she is not going to leave our lives and the treatment is not going to stop! She is okay!" I yelled.

"I'm not assuming things!" She yelled.

"Yes you are!" I yelled back.

"Augustus, stop! I am not-" She sarted yell but got cut off. She put her hand on her chest. About 5 seconds later she is passed out on the floor.

(A/N~ What do you guys think should happen to Hazel? Comment what you want to happen! Private message me, comment on this chapter, or comment on my message board! I perfer you to comment on this chapter, though! Also, comment your ideas and your opinion about my book. Post the opinion about my book comment on my message board, please!

BTW~ I know this is a sloppy and crappy chapter but I was in a hurry. Sorry!

God Bless,

Halle Mcbeth)

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