Chapter 11

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45 minutes later...

Me and Augustus walked back to Emily's room. Augustus had his arm around me as we walked into the room. We saw Emily laying on the bed. "Mommy! Daddy! Your back! Where's Billy?" She said with excitement. She smiled. I handed her the stuffed animal. Me and Augustus sat down in our chairs. "Did The Nurse walked in the room, "Mr. and Mrs.Waters, can I talk to you outside for a minute?" She asked with a straight face. "Of course." I said. Me and Augustus stood up and followed the Nurse out of the room. "I am afraid to say that the thing in the middle of her lungs is cancer." The Nurse said. My eyes got teary. I laid my head on Gus's shoulder. He gave me a big hug and I could not hold back my tears. I started to cry. "I am so sorry. She is going to have radiation every Tuesday starting next week and she will have chemo every Thursday starting next week." The Nurse said with a smile and walked away. I don't know how she could smile after that sentence but it's not her daughter. She does not have to deal with the pain. When Emily was born, we were warned that she may get cancer. She had a 15% chance of having osteosarcoma like Augustus and a 85% chance that she would have thyroid cancer like me. That's why she has more doctor's appointments than other kids, more rules, and less school activities. Once I dried up my tears, we walked back into the room. My eyes were red and Augustus had his arm around me. "Nothing, sweetheart." I said with a smile. Me and Augustus sat down in our chairs and I put my head on Gus's shoulder. We don't know if she knows that she has cancer. I figure that it would be best if we don't mention it around her. If she did know, she would have been crying or acting sad but I don't think she understands what she is dealing with so even if she did know, she probably would not cry or act sad. We all started talking and laughing again. It got my mind off of the fact that my daughter is living with a touch of cancer but it stil remined me of it. When she laughed, how I would probably not hear that anymore. When she would talk, how I probably will not hear her voice her voice anymore. I don't know how I am goign to handle this but I need to quit worrying about me handling this and start worrying about how Emily is going to handle this. The Nurse walked into the room again and smiled. "Mrs.Waters, can I speak to you outside, again?" The Nurse asked. "Sure." I said with a smile. I stood up and walked outside of the room. "Emily can go home now." She said with a smile. "Here is a paper saying what you need to go get for her like her cannula, oxygen tank, and medications." She handed me the piece of paper. I took the paper and started to read it. "I don't know if  Dr.Jones or another Nurse told you the percentages yet but she has a 50% chance to be cancer free and a 50% chance she wll fail. Also, Emily has thyroid cancer that is stage 4.   " The Nurse said like she was afraid to tell me. "You can sign Emily out whenever you want, I know this is hard for both of you to take in." The Nurse said with a smile. "Does she know that she has cancer?" I asked. "No, she does not. How about you go tell her right now?" The Nuse asked. I can't belive that she will tell me that my daughter has cancer and then try to make me tell her that she has cancer. I shake my head no. "I understand, I will tell her for you." The Nurse said with a smile. We walked back into the room. I walked back over to Augustus and sat down. "What did she say?" He asked with a worried look on his face. "She said that we can take Emily home whenever we want." I said with a smile on my face. He smiled back. He kissed my forehead. I handed him the piece of paper that the Nurse gave me. "What's this?" He asked. "Read it." I said. He starts to read it. "Oh." He said. He put the paper in his pocket. The Nurse sat down on the bed. "Emily, you have cancer. It is really bad but don't worry, Your parets are gonna take good care of you." The Nurse said with a smile. Emily put her head in her hands and started to cry. I didn't think she understood what she was dealing with and that she probably would not react by crying or having any act of sadness. I guess she did understand it because of me. I have an oxygen tank. Plus, Augustus always asks if I am okay and if I need to take a break. I laid my head on Gus's shoulder and he puts his arm around me. I start to cry. Augustus starts to give me a hug and I move head onto his chest. I cry harder.

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