Chapter 16

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Hazel Grace's POV

I cried myself to sleep last night. Augustus has already left for work and Emily is still asleep. I am going to wake her up and get her ready for the day in about 10 minutes. It's already eight-thirty and I have to leave the house at nine-thirty. I am already ready for work.

It has been 10 minutes. I walk into Emily's room and wake her up. I help her get in the shower, she brushes her teeth, and I help her get dressed. I fix her some cereal and she starts to eat. When she is done eating, she gets out of her seat and walks into her room. "Emily, dear, we have to go.!" I said loudly so that she could hear me. "I'm coming!" She said loudly back. She walked out of her room. I grabbed her hand and we walked out the door and got in the car. I started the car and we drove to the daycare. I parked the car and helped Emily out of the car. We walked inside the building hand-in-hand. I signed her in and I walked her to her classroom. She saw Sarah when we walked in and she walked over to her. I walked over to the teachr who was in the room.

"Hi, I'm Hazel Grace Waters and I'm Emily's mom. I was just wondering if Emily was being bothered yesterday. When she came home yesterday she acted scared and really bothered wenever we would bring up daycare. She would not talk to us at all. Me and her dad just got really worried about her." I said,

"Well, I actually did see one of the girls talk to her and after that she walked away and i never heard her talk the rest of the time she was here." The Teacher said.

"Oh, okay. Well, do you think you can keep an eye on her and if anything happens, call me or her dad." I said. I got a pen and a piece of paper out of purse and wrote me and Gus's numbers on it. I handed the piece of paper to her.

"Of course." The Teacher said with a smile. I smiled back. "Thank you so much." I said. "You are very welcome, Mrs.Waters. Also, I'm so sorry about Emily. It must be hard on you and your husband." She said. "It is pretty hard on us but we will get through it. She is doing pretty well, though. She has to go back to doctor for treatment tomorrow. This will be her third treatment session." I said. "That's good. So, I'm guessing she won't be at daycare tomorrow?" The Teacher asked. "No, she won't be here but I think she is happy about that. I mea, she gets to spend the whole day with me and her dad but, unfortunately, she will have that time with during her treatments." I said. "Oh, well that's too bad. I'm gonna miss Emily tomorrow. She is so sweet." The Teacher said with a smile. I smiled back. "Well, I better go to work. It was nice meeting you and thank you so much for agreeing to keep an eye on Emily." I said. "No problem. It as nice talking to you." She said with a smile. I smiled back. "You too. I better go now." I said.I smiled at her and she smiled back. "Bye." The Teacher said. "Bye." I said. I walked over to Emily and gave her a big kiss on her forehead and told her that I love her. Then I walked out of the classroom and walked outsie. I walked to my car and got in it and drove to work. On the way to work, all I could think about was Emily. 

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