Chapter 17

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Since I went to work later than usual, I had to work late. Instead of me getting off at 4:00pm, I got off work at 6:00pm. When I got in my car, I called Augustus. It rang a couple times the he answerd.

"Hello?" Augustus asked.

"Hey, honey. I just got off work and I'm on my way home. Is Emily with you?" I asked.

"Oh, hey. Um, ya she is with me but she is still quiet. I think we need to confront tonight."\

"I think we should, too. Where is she?"

"She is in her room right now. I think she is playing with her stuffed animals and telling them all of her secrets again." We both laugh.

"Well, I think I am going to stop by Taco Bell and get us dinner. It may be crappy but I really don't feel like cooking tonight."

"Okay, sounds good."

"Since it's going to take a while for me to get our food and drive home, how about you talk to Emily."

"Are you sure? I mean, don't you want us to talk to her together?"

"I'm sure. If we want to do it tonight then you better do it now since I am bringing home Taco Bell. I mean, everytime she eats Taco Bell she falls asleep 10 minutes later." We both laugh again.

"Okay, sweetheart. I love you."

"I love you, too."

Augustus ends the call and I start the car. I pull out of the parking lot and drive to Taco Bell. I get the food and drive home. I wak inside and see Augustus and Emily sitting on the couch. "Hey guys." I said with a big smile. Augustus stood up and walked over to me. Emily turned around and looked at me then she turned back around to look at the TV. "Hey, Babe." Augustus said as he gave me a kiss on the lips. Once we pulled apart, he grabbed the food out of my hands and walked to the kitchen. He sat it down on the kitche table and walked back into the living room. He sat back down on the couch and walked over to him. I stood in front of him and just looked at him. "Are you just going to leave the food in there and not even bother to get it out?" I asked. "Well, I didn't know if you wanted to eat in her or in the kitchen." Augustus said. Me and Augustus laugh. Emily looks at us like we are too old for love. "Hey, Augustus, can I talk to you in the kitchen real quick?" I ask. "Sure." He said. Me and Augustus walk into the kitchen.

"Did you talk to her?" I asked.

"I tried to but she was to busy playing with her stuffed animals so I took her into the living room and then she got too busy watching TV." He said.

"Well, she is six years old. She can't give anyhting full attention." I said. We both laugh.

Suddenly we are interuppted when Emily walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, princess." Augustus said with a big smile on his face

"Mommy, Daddy, I have a question for you." Emily said.

"What's your question, sweetheart?" I asked.

"Do you love me?" Emily asked.

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