Chapter 13

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3 Days Later...

Hazel Grace's POV

Me and Augustus finally picked up Emily's oxygen tank, cannula, and the rest of her medications. I was trying to teach her how to stop pulling her cannula out her nose. It was a learning expeirence for her and it was for me too. Even though I have been dealing with my cannula since I was 13, I still was not sure of some things so now whenever I take her to her doctor's appointments, I can ask the doctor my questions. I could have asked my doctor these questions but I would like Emily to be around so she will know these things. 

Augustus is making dinner while I take care of Emily. I feel so sorry for her. I never would want her to go through the same pain that I am going through but it's life. I can't help the fact that my daughter is sick. Augustus has been worried that I have been thinking that it is all my fault for Emily having cancer. I sometimes think that but it's rare. Whenever I think of that I tell myself that I can't help the fact that I am sick and I can't help the fact that she is and it gets my mind off of that and reminds me that it is not my fault. Sometimes I wonder if he feels that way, though. He has had cancer before but my type of cancer had a better chance that Emily would have it. Me and Emily were in her bedroom. We were trying to decorate her room. Emily was laying on her bed while she drew some pictures to hang up on the walls. I was cleaning her room and folding putting her clothes in her closet. Augustus opened the door. "Hey, what you doing, princess?" Augustus asked with a big smile on his face. He walked over to Emily and sat down next to her on her bed. He put his arm around her and looked down at what she was drawing. "I'm drawing, Daddy!" Emily said with a laugh and a big smile. "What are you drawing?" Augustus asked. Emily sat up and laid the drawing in Gus's lap. I stopped putting her clothes away for a minute and walked over to where Augustus was sitting. I stood ext to him and waited for Emily to explain what her drawing was. "This is me, this is Mommy, and that's you Daddy." She pointed to each person. Me and Augustus smiled. "This is awesome!" Augustus said with excitement. Augustus kissed Emily's cheek repeatedly. She laughs and I walk over to the other side of the bed and join in on the kisses. About 5 minutes later, we stop and just lay on her bed with her. We are silent and just look around the room. "You know, we should go somewhere today. It is saturday and we have not done anything. We have not been out of the house for like 2 days. We need to get out of this house." Augustus said to break the silence. "Babe, that sounds like a good idea but it all depends on how Emily feels about that." I said. "I want to go. I want to go get ice cream!" Emily said with a big smile on her face. "Then I guess we will go get ice cream!" Augustus said with excitement. "Okay but I think we should go get ice cream after dinner. Daddy has been cooking for the past hour." I said witha smile on my face. "Okay." Emily said. 

4 Hours Later...

We have just got home from eatimg ice cream. Emily fell asleep in the car on the way back.         Augustus carried her into her rom and laid her on her bed. He covered her up with her comforter. After he got done taking care of emily, Me and Augustus went into our room and quickly fell asleep. 

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