Chapter 18

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"Do you love me?" Emily asked.


Hazel Grace's POV...

"Honey, why would you ask us something like that? You know very well that we love you." I said.

"I am asking you something like this because of what Makayla said yesterday at daycare." Emily said.

Me and Augutsus looked at eachother. Our prediction of Emily being bullied was correct. Me and Augustus looked back down at Emily.

"Well, what did she say?" Augustus asked.

"She said that since you took me to the doctor a lot to prevent me from being like this, now that I am like this you probably don't love me anymore. You guys wanted a kid that is healthy all the time, not one that is going to die." Emily said.

"Emily, what makes you think that you are going to die?" I asked.

"She said that I was and that she does not want to be my friend anymore because she does not want to come to my funeral but then she said that she was going to come to my funeral anyway so that she can laugh her head off." Emily said.

"Well, first off, your not going to die. Second off, don't listen to her. All she is just jealous because you get a lot of attention for what you are going through." I said.

"Okay, but you know you have not really answered my question about if you love me or not." Emily said.

Me and Augustus get down on our knees so that we are on her size. I grab one of her hands and hold it in both of my hands.

"Emily, you know that we love you. It does not matter if you are healthy or not. You are our little girl and we are proud to call you our daughter. I don't know what we would do without you in our lives. You make our lives worth living. You make life more exciting. Every mornign when I wake up and see you asleep in your bed, I just think about how lucky I am to have you in my life. Do you think that if we didn't love you taht you would have all the stuffed animals you haave right now. You have over a thousand and you thik we don't love you. Honey, we love you from the bottom of our hearts. We love you so much. We can't even really explain how much we love you." I said. I can feel that tears are about to stream down my face. Augustus grabs Emily's other hand and holds it. 

"Sweetheart, you are a miracle and dream come true. You are the best thing that has ever exsited." Augustus said.

"I thought you said that meat was the best thing that ever exsited?" Emily asked with a smile on her face. Me and Augustus laughed.

"I did say that but you always come in first place." Augustus said. He smiled as me and him stood up. He put his arm around me. "Get over here" He said with a bogger smile. We put our arms around Emily and embraced her in a big hug.

"Now do you know that we love you?" I asked.

"Yes, yes I do." Emily said. "I love you, Mommy and Daddy." Emily said with a big smile on her face.

"We love you, too." I said with a big smile on my face.

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