Chapter 15

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3 Hours Later...

Gus's POV...

Emily has been acting weird around me and Hazel Grace. She will barely talk to us or even be around us. Ever since we got home she has been in her room. When I picked her up from daycare today, this girl stopped us from going out the door and started to talk to her. I think she is Emily's friend, Makayla.

Hazel Grace is making dinner right now. It will be done in about 10 minutes so I decided to go to Emily's room to tell her about dinner and to get a chance to talk to her. I walk down the hallway and open Emily's door. I walked in and saw her laying on her bed playing with her stuffed animals. I walk over to her and kneel down next to her bed. I put my hand on her head and give her a kiss on her cheek. "Hey, Princess. What are playing?" I asked. "I'm sharing some things with my friends right now. It is private." She said in a serious tone. "Does that mean I have to go?" I asked. She pointed towards the door. "Out." She said. "Okay but you need to finish what you are telling them because dinner should be ready in ten minutes." I said with a smile. "Okay." She said. I walked out the room. I failed at trying to make small talk with her. Maybe Hazel Grace can make her talk at dinner.

I walked into the kitchen and see Hazel Grace setting the table. She notices that I walked in and she stops setting the table. "Did you have any luck talking to her?" She asked. "No, she told me to leave because she was talking about something private with her stuffed animals." I said. "Well, she is only 6 years old, Babe. It is normal for her to talk to her stuffed animals. Didn't you say that she talked to Makayla today?" She asked. "I think it was Makayla. I don't really know. I saw Sarah today and she was being really nice to her. They were playing dolls when I picked her up." I said. "More than Likely, it was Makayla. Did the teacher tell you about anyone picking on her?" She asked. Me and her have been really worried about leaving Emily at daycare. We don't know how the kids will treat her now. "No, but when we got stopped by Makayla or who ever it was, I did not really hear the conversation and that girl did look a little mean. She looked like she had a fake smile on her face. Maybe that's what's causing this." I said. "Well, I don't know what to do. I don't have to go to work till ten in the morning instead of 8 in the morning so you can leave for work and I will take the Jeep and take her to day care and talk to the teachers. Right now, though, I think we should just eat dinner and try to stay out of her way a little bit. Maybe while we are eating she will start to talk." She said. "Okay." I said. "Okay." She said. I gave her a peck on the lips. She walked away and started to set the table again.

5 minutes passed and dinner was ready. Hazel Grace went to get Emily out of her room and tell her to come and eat dinner.

We all sat at the table. Me and Hazel Grace were talking about work and about what we needed to do tomorrow. Emily was quiet, though. We thought that if we asked her about how daycare was it would make her start talking.

"So, baby girl, how was daycare today?" Hazel Grace asked.

"It was okay." She said as she picked at her food with her fork.

"Was it fun?" I asked.

"Not really."

"What did you do?" Hazel Grace asked.

"I played with Sarah and talked to Makayla."

Me and Hazel Grace looked at each other then looked back at Emily.

"You have not talked to her in a while. What did she say?" Hazel Grace asked.

Emily dropped her fork and stopped picking at her food. She looked at us. "Can I go back to my room?" Emily asked.

"Sure sweetheart. You can take your food with you if you want." Hazel Grace said with a smile.

"Okay." Emily said. She stood up and grabbed her food. She walked back to her room and Hazel Grace put her head in her hands. "Oh, Augustus. I knew it. Our beloved daughter is being bullied. I always thought Makayla had a dark side and I should have known that Makayla would bully Emily. Emily is sick and Makayla hates germs and even though it is not contagious she still would have freaked out." Hazel Grace said. She started to cry. I put my hand on her back. "It's okay, sweetie." I said. I pulled her in for a hug and she laid her head on my chest. I kept on telling her that everything is going to be okay but I don't think it was helping. We hugged for about 10 minutes. She would cry harder and harder each second. After we let go of each other and she calmed down, she went to our bedroom and went to sleep. I cleaned up the kitchen from dinner and went to Emily's room. I told her goodnight and I tucked her in. I told her that I love her and I kissed her forehead. She did not tell me that she loved me back or anything like usual. After I got done in her room, I went to me and Hazel Grace's room and fell asleep.

(A/N: Hey Guys, sorry for short chapter I am typing on my phone and it looks long on my phone!

Remember these 3 words!:

God's NOT Dead!

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