Chapter 4

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                                                                   2 Months Later...


The wedding is today. We finally told our parents a month ago. They did not really freak out. Both of his parents are attending and my mother is. My dad is not coming because he does not like the idea of me getting married at this age. I'm sitting in my hotel room (which is right next to the where the wedding is being held) where my mother, my cousin Lilo, and my cousin Mary are getting me ready. The wedding is an outside wedding in Amsterdam. It is on this field that is full of cherry blossoms and daisys. It is beautiful. The people who are helping Augustus get ready are is 2 cousins named Robby and John. My dress is white with blue stars all around it. It is a long dress with no straps. It is silk and and not really layered. Our colors fr our wedding is blue, black, and white. Both of our mothers do not like the idea of having black as a main color for a wedding. I understand why they feel that way because a wedding is suppose to be happy and full of bright colors and black represents sadness and death. I like our colors, though. They represent happy to us. The wedding starts in 30 minutes and I can see and hear the people setting up the altar. Since my hair is so short, I can't really do a hair style so my mother put a daisy in my hair. "Okay, your ready! Now, let's get you to that wedding before Gus gets there!" My cousin Lilo said with excitement and a big smile on her face. We all go downstairs of the hotel and everyone is trying to cover me up with jackets because they see Augustus at the check-in. We get outside and get into the car. My mother gets in the driver's seat and starts the car. We drive across the street and my mother looks around to make sure Gus did not beat us here. My cousins help me ot of the car and take me arcross the field. There is this little building in the back of the field and that's where I will stay until I have to walk down the aisle. I got into the little building and sat down. It is 5 minutes before the wedding. I peeked outside the door and looked at the altar area. I saw Augustus Laughing with all of his groomsmen. "Okay, Hazel, let's get you ready to walk down that aisle!" My mother said with excitement. She walked over to me and took me outside and took me over to where I start walking. My cousins and my mother walk over to their seats holding my oxygen tank with them since I wanted to walk down the aisle like a normal girl. They leave me standing in my spot all alone. I hear the song "All Of The Stars" by Ed Sheeran playing. That is the song that we chose for me to walk down the aisle to. I started walking. As I got closer and closer, I saw Augutsus. He saw me coming and I saw his eyes light up. He noticed me not wearing my canuela and he got a worried look on his face. I got up to the altar and stopped. My mother got up out of her seat and put my canuela back in my nose and took my flowers out of my hands. I held my oxygen tank handle with one hand. Augustus grabbed my other hand and we turned around to face eachother. I pushed my oxygen tank handle down so that my other hand could be free. Augustus grabbed my other hand. Our hands were now hand-in-hand. In just a few short moments, I will be married to the star-crossed love of my life.

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