The Stupid Note

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Z's p.o.v

: Try the frappuccino, ask them to add some chocolate sauce, it's amazing :) 

I'm an idiot. 

What the hell was I thinking to leave the note. It was a spur of the moment thing but I knew I regretted it the moment I stepped out of Parks. I had known about the slot under the table since the first time I visited the cafe and had left it at that. But no, today I had to go and leave that stupid message. What if someone actually saw it? Ugh. They would think what a loser the person is who wrote that. Kill me already. Should I go back and take the note with me?

The Parks was a quaint cafe two blocks away from both my house and my college. On the first day of college, a couple of guys had taken me there. I never saw those guys again but I do visit Parks every day religiously. It had become a routine for me, every day after college got over, I would sit in the library till they kicked me out and then headed over to Parks. It was owned by a friendly middle-aged man and his wife. They knew me well by now and had my order ready by the time I entered the cafe. Which was at 7 PM every day without fail. Even now, during the vacations, I went there at the same time.

All these thoughts were going through my mind as I walked towards my building. I was about turn around and go back to Parks to remove the note from the slot when my phone rang. All about that bass by Meghan Trainor blasted from my phone. All those near me turned to give me a look and I all but melted into a puddle of embarrassment. Cade had changed my ringtone again. I need to stop letting her bully me into telling my password. Quickly picking up the call, which was Cade by the way- no surprise there, I silenced the embarrassing piece of tech. 


"Stop changing my ringtone!" I grunted to her ever energetic self. As if me telling her to do that was going to make any difference at all. 

"What? Anyway, I was sitting in the mall's food court, waiting for my mom to get her food when I saw Chris on the other side of the food court. And guess who he was with.  OLIVIA GIMM! I nearly fell out of my seat in my haste to follow them. But when I reached near them I SAW THAT THEY WERE HOLDING HANDS! Can you believe it? I was so shocked that I just stood there for a solid 5 minutes till mom came and asked me why I was ogling at the fake plant. I snapped out of it but by then it was too late to follow them and get more juice. I ha-"

"Did you just say 'get more juice'?"

"-ve to tell this to everyone. Oh my god, this is amazing! I've been shipping those two forever. They are like the king and queen. I wish they ne-"

"CADE! Calm down." I could practically hear her making star eyes at the thought of Chris and Olivia. I don't understand her obsession with those two. But I value my manhood and would like it to be intact because I know if I told her to stop talking about them- god I don't even want to think about what she would do.

"You are a bore. Remind me again why am I friends with you?" she huffed. She definitely had her arms crossed over her chest. Her mom was a believer of 'phones harm your ears' and made her use earphones or bluetooth headset. It must be pretty convenient to think of it. Having both your hands-free. Hmm, maybe I should start using one too.

"Because you love me and I'm your only friend and you would be nothing without me." I laughed.

She gasped after a pause of 2 seconds and then it came.

"Oh puh-lease, I have loads of friends and I DO NOT need you. I can totally leave you and never want to see your annoying face again. "

"Ouch. You wound my heart dear friend. Such harsh words. Lord what has the world come to."

"Oh shut up!"

I only laughed in response. I knew she didn't mean what she said.

"Okay bye. You be the mean person that you are. I'm going to go give the news to those who actually want to listen to what I have to say."

"There are people like that? For real?"

"ZACHHH!" she whined and I let out a loud laugh, adjusting my glasses and pushing them back up my nose.

"Ok sorry sorry!"


And she cut the call. I couldn't stop the grin that was stretched across my face. She'll call me in the next hour with some other gossip to share. That's just how she is. Cade and I met in class. We both have the same major. She leeched on from the very first moment we talked and here we are today, more than a year later, still going strong. Cade was my closest friend in college. Actually, she was my closest friend in general. Being a redhead, people didn't accept her completely. I don't understand why. Her 5'7", cheerleader, bubbly self could never leave you bored.

I had reached my building by the time Cade cut the call. It was 8:30 PM and I was tired. I had taken up a part-time job at the bookstore near the school and it required me to work from 10 in the morning till 6 in the evening. By the time I went to Parks and reached home, I would be exhausted beyond measure. Vacations had started two weeks back but my job started only a week ago. I had taken the first week off, giving myself a well-deserved break.

Changing into my sweats, I had a nagging feeling that I was forgetting something. It was only when I had comfortably settled in my bed that I remembered what. The stupid note that I had left. Because of Cade's call, I forgot to go back and take it away. Groaning, I just turned off the light not wanting to think about it anymore and fretting over it unnecessarily. 


Hey there! I finally started with this and I really love it. 

What do you think about Cade? And Zach?

Hope you liked it! Please do hit that star if you did and do comment any suggestions or anything at all :D

Love you all!


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