Yeah No I'm Good

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Z's p.o.v

It's been two days now.

Two days since I got no reply, two days since my note has been lying in the same spot I left it on Friday. Maybe the person had finally come to his senses and no longer wanted to continue this thing, whatever it was. I strangely felt disappointed.

The weekend had gone by doing nothing but sleeping and eating. I was tired all of Saturday due to Friday night's activities in the club and Sunday was saved as my lazy day. Cade had dropped by for a couple of hours and we had had a go at a game of Pictionary. Before I knew it Monday was already here. Now, it's not that I mind Monday's in particular. It's just that I hate waking up early regardless what day it is or for what reason. I mean, of course, there are exceptions. There are exceptions for everything. But those moments are rare. Very rare.

I had just finished my shift at work and am now trudging my tired ass to the Parks for a well-deserved glass of coffee and Mrs. River's famous doughnuts. I had told myself that I didn't care if there was a different note waiting for me or not, but deep down I knew I was walking a little faster to reach Parks not just for the food.

As I entered, I saw that my table was empty and did a tiny cheer dance in my head. Quickly giving my order I rushed to my table. I was barely seated before I looked under the table and guess what? Yup, you guessed it right. There sat my own note that I wrote almost three days ago now staring me in the face as if taunting me. No new note. No response. Nothing.

Slouching in my chair I let out a sigh which those who heard it would say was a mixture of anger and disappointment. Even when the coffee and doughnuts arrived, I couldn't muster up the energy to smile at Mindy (one of the waitresses). While having my drink, I even thought to take away my note so as to not embarrass myself anymore. But something, you could say my gut feeling, told me to give it one more shot and leave the note for just one more day. I promised myself that if I didn't get a reply tomorrow I will remove the note and not write anymore.

Satisfied with the decision, I ate the doughnut. Feeling like I hadn't appreciated the coffee, I ordered one more (or maybe I just wanted one more :P)

The idea of asking Mrs. River if she had seen someone writing or leaving the chits occurred to me. But I immediately dismissed in the fear that she might let that piece of information slip in front of Cade. It's not that I didn't trust Cade, just that I wanted to keep this new event of my life to myself for a while before sharing it with anyone. I would obviously eventually tell Cade about it, but not today.

"Would like anything else, Zach?"

"No thanks, Mindy. I'm good." I smiled politely this time. I already felt guilty about the last time.

"You fine there? Seemed a bit off before."

"Yeah no. I'm good."

"Alright then. See you tomorrow. My shift is over so I'll be off now. Just came to check on you."

"Thank you, Mindy. Bye"

I talked to Mindy occasionally if she was free. You could say we were sort of friends. She had just graduated from college and was finishing the last month of work here before she shifted. She has been accepted in New York School of Design. Cade is going to take her place. Cade had wanted the job since forever and now that there was an opening, she has been very excited about it. Mrs. River was also happy about the hiring since she knew Cade and could trust her.

It was almost 9 by the time I reached home and changed into my sweats and tank. Thoughts were swirling in my mind as I lay in bed. The most prominent ones being dread for going to work tomorrow and hope for going to Parks after. I was pretty sure the hope and anticipation were overpowering the dread. People say adventurous summers were the best. Look at me, barely a couple of weeks in, and am already at the edge of my seat. You could say I'm not the most patient person to have walked the surface of Earth. 


First of all sorry for such a short and sort of shitty chapter. But I'm really very tired. I promise the next chapters will be better (hopefully).

So hey guys! How was your weekend? I participated in a 6k marathon and that's one of the major reason why I'm tired :P

Hope you're liking this book so far <3

Please do hit that star and comment!

Love you all!!


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