Is The Jock Afraid Of Riding A Bike

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Z's p.o.v

It's been a week now since the day I met Simon for the first time and since then my day's routine had become going to the bookstore, meeting Simon in Parks (on the days his mom allowed), talking to Cade, and then finally talking or chatting with Simon before going to bed. On days I was lucky, Simon would pop in during my work hours and just sit there watching me work or sometimes help me with my work if its something like stacking books. 

I have applied for resignation from my job to spend more time with Simon. His condition... it's always there at the back of my mind but I have made it a point to not let it show. I know Simon wouldn't like that and I want to make him feel as happy and content as possible. 

It was Saturday and I didn't have to go to work. An idea popped into my head and I immediately set into action for its implementation before I could dismiss it. After making several calls and making sure everything was set, I called Simon. He picked up on the third ring.

"What are you doing?"

" Uhh Hii to you too"

"Hii... So what are you doing?"

"Watching a movie?"

"Which one?"

"Every day"

"YOU BITCH! I told you I wanted to see that movie... that meant we watch it together! Shut it now!"

"WHOA okay! Calm down."

"And get ready. I'm coming in 15 minutes. Wear something comfortable"

"Uhh, where are we going? And you know I need to ask mom-"

"Already done. Mom, dad, and doctor. Taken the permission from everyone. Now go ready."


"And Simon?"


"It's a date" I could hear his smirk over the call. I don't know what gave me the courage to do this but now I can't back down and I don't want to.

Checking my self in the mirror one last time and picking my bag I left for Simon's house. I haven't been inside his house yet and this was the closest I'll be going for now. I know I was getting worked up for no reason by thinking about the day I had planned ahead but I wanted it to be perfect for Simon without me screwing up anything.

I'd been standing outside his house for 5 minutes now and he had texted that he'd be out in a minute. As I was about to honk my horn once more he ran out of the house screaming back a reply to his mom I.

"Yeeessss mom. Bye now."

"Hey" he sais as he came near me. He was looking at the mode of transport warily. I couldn't stop the chuckle that left my mouth. He glared at me through squinted eyes.

"What? Is the jock afraid of riding a bike?"

"Shut up" He all but mumbled before accepting the helmet from me and sitting behind me. He rested his hands on the back handle of the bike as I started. I gave the bike a slight jerk and his hands immediately flew to hold on to my waist. Boy, was I bold today. He just laughed a small laugh and tightened his hands around my waist as we started towards our destination.

Simon had tried prying out of me the destination when we were at a signal or at a stop sign. I refused to give in to his prying and now he sat pouting refusing to hold my waist and settled with keeping his hands on my shoulders. I just chuckled because we had almost reached.

"Is that.."


"You're kidding me?"


"Holy shit this is sooo cool. It's been years since I came here last."

"I hoped you would like it"

"Like it? I love it! you're the best Zach!"

He almost ran towards the gate but I held him back by locking our hands together. He turned to look at me with his face split into a huge grin.

"Come on hurry up!"

"Here wear this" I handed him a cap because I didn't him getting a heat stroke or anything. I know it wasn't that hot outside but the sun was out and we had a lot of walking to do out in the open. I am not taking any risks. I have a jacket in my bag as well in case it gets cold later.

Getting our tickets we walked hand in hand through the gates of the zoo. I thought I liked the Zoo but Simon loved it more than all the kids put together. He kept pulling me to all the different animals and then making me take pictures with him with the animal. We went to all the enclosures; Simon made sure that we didn't miss any of them. 

He was really happy, I could see it. I was really happy seeing him so happy. We laughed and skipped along the path and not once did we not hold each other's hands. It was 5 in the evening now. We had been in here for over 5 hours now. As we headed towards the exit since the zoo was closing, Simon stopped us and as I turned to look at him he placed a kiss on my cheek. 

Doing what I do best, I turned red and started sputtering.

"Uh-h wh-what was that for?"

"Just saying thanks. For today. For everything. For being there with me. And now before you become redder let's get you out of here" He laughed as he slung his arm over my shoulder and steered me towards the exit. Slowly a smile crept up my face as I touched the placed where he kissed. His kisses were something that I could never get used to. Whenever we met, he would randomly place a kiss on my cheek, forehead, nose, or even sometimes on the lips. And it always left me blushing like crazy.

As we walked towards my bike I saw him shiver a bit and I was immediately taking out the jacket. Even though he refused, I made sure that we wore it before driving us to the final part of the day's plan.

We were at a red light when he leaned forward and whispered in my ear,

"Best day ever" Before placing a kiss behind my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. I would deny that it was because of him and say that the air was cold which made me shiver if he ever asked. His hot breath near my ear as he whispered that left me in a frenzy and it took me all my willpower to pull out of my gazed thoughts and focus on the road. This boy was dangerous for my health. My heart was pumping blood at a rate which I'm not sure is healthy. 

With a grin on my face, I'm sure one that matched Simon's face, we made our way to the street food hub that I had found out about through Cade. I was excited to take Simon there. Cade had told me it was a street full of different kinds of food stalls and food trucks. I'm pretty sure Simon will love it.


Hola amigos!

Lo Siento! I'm sorry! 

I know it's been very long since I updated. But I just got back to uni and also had a writer's block which some people would say is an excuse for my laziness.

Anyway, I'm back and I'll try to update as frequently as I can. 

Also, how cute was their date????? I love going to the Zoo. It's the best thing ever!

In case anyone was confused, this is what I meant when I said bike. This is Zach's bike.

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