For A Moment Think

26 8 0

Z's p.o.v

10 missed calls

40 messages.

My phone kept beeping, informing me about the calls I missed and messages pending to be read. I knew who they were from. Cade. The fight had started because of some stupid reason, over a week back. I know it started with her not talking to me, but see how the tables have turned. I hate fighting with her, but she really hurt me this time. I'm always there for her, always agree to what she says or wants to do. Even going the extra lengths if I have to for her. But when it comes to her doing something for me? Something or the other always comes up. This time when she fought with me and stopped talking, it pissed me off. 

"Dude you gonna pick up the call or what? It's been ringing like forever now."

"Shut up Dennis." Grumbling I switched off the phone.

It was almost the end of my shift, I totaled the cash and entered in the register. Leaving my work shirt in the employee's room, I left the bookstore. Reaching Parks, I went towards my usual seat, only to find Cade waiting for me there.

"Please don't spoil Parks for me"

"I'm not spoiling anything Zach, please just listen to me."

I turned to leave, but she grabbed my arm. I had to focus on my breathing to stay calm. I would be lying if I said that I didn't get angry often, but I've been trying to control it.

"Z please, just give me 5 minutes."


She was shocked for a moment because she must not have been expecting for me to agree. But she regained her senses soon enough. 

"I'm so sorry Zach. I didn't mean to hurt you-"

"How exactly do you think you've hurt me?"


"Exactly Cade. Talk to me when you figure out how you have hurt me"

"Goddamit Zach, Just tell me will you-" gods shes crying now "-Tell me what I did wrong and I'll do whatever I can to fix it or at least make up for it"

I was itching to console her, I hated when she cried. But she also had to understand that she hurt me and it was not okay.

"You remember why you got angry with me? It was because I didn't talk to you when you called. Right?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry-"

"But did you for a moment think why I didn't talk? 

"Zach, I needed you and then you didn't answer. I just didn't think-"


"Zach calm down, please. I'm so sorry. People are staring Z, please calm down"

"Cade I don't care if people are staring or not. I'm always there for you, no matter what. No matter how bad my own situation is. But the moment I take a minute for myself, which might I remind you doesn't mean that I've forgotten you or anything, everyone gets angry. You don't see me complaining when you don't ask me if I'm fine or if I need anything. As I mentioned before, I've always been there Cade, always, since the day we met. But if me talking with you for 2 hours instead of the 6 hours that you want makes me a bad friend who 'does not care' for you as you said, then I can't do anything Cade."

I took a seat while she stood there crying. I felt horrible for making her cry, but for once I wanted to think about myself without worrying about anything else.

"I'm sorry Zach, I really am. I want to ask you if you're fine right now but I know you'll think I'm just mocking you. I promise I'll make up to you Z and be the best friend you deserve. Please forgive me."

"Cade please just go now, I need time to think and calm down and also get my issues sorted. I'll message you when I'm ready. Please go now."

"I'm sorry Zach" 

With that, she left the cafe. As soon as she left, I slumped in my seat. I was drained of all energy. Dealing with my parents, who had called again in the same week, and fighting with Cade.

 Mrs. River herself came over with my drink and gave a tight hug.

"I put extra chocolate for you in there, sugar. It'll make everything better. And I'm here whenever you want to talk."

"Thank you so much, Mrs. R."

"No problem honey. Now don't think about anything and enjoy your drink"

 After she left, I took out the post left by S. His posts had become the only ray of sunshine in my life right now.

: That totally was two guesses :P Yeah it sucks. I miss her tons. We are really close and talk almost every night. What did you do to get your friend pissed at you?

I was a hardcore black coffee lover, but due to certain circumstances, I had to cut that down. Which means,

S-6 Z-7

It's your wish Z, I'll respect whatever you decide. I don't mind if we meet today or six months after. I'm certain that we'll meet. But if you wish to keep things as they are right now, it's absolutely okay. Don't worry. And I consider myself very lucky to have found your post.

~S :  

Right. It's only been a day since the tables turned between me and Cade. S seems so kind and understanding. He literally breaks all stereotypes. He says he was a footballer, but I've always heard that they are mean and obnoxious. He is anything but. I really do want to meet him, but I'm scared that once we meet in person he will not want to talk to me anymore. 

: Thank you for understanding S. And yeah about my friend, that is a complicated situation. I'll tell you about it some other day. 

Ugh! I don't understand how people can drink black coffee, why would you want to purposely have something bitter! Also, did you forget to take a guess or chose not to? 

Anyway, my guess is that you have a tattoo.

~Z :

I felt somewhat better after reading S's note and having the drink. Deciding to call it a day, I went home and slept trying to keep away any and all thoughts for a few hours.


I'm sorry. I'm sorry. For the delay in my posts and also for Zach. I promise it will get better and happier.

If you enjoyed the chapter or felt that it evoked any emotions, please do tap that star and leave a comment.

Love you all!


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