The Posts

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A/n: This chapter consists of posts passed between Zach and Simon and is continued after Simon's last post. ONLY for this chapter, posts written by Zach are in bold and italics and those by Simon are only in italics.


: That is soo counted! Almost 20 makes my guess correct! And my my my what a gentleman do we have here :P So that brings us at,

S-1 Z-2 

Because my gentlemanly 20-year-old S I do not have a girlfriend, beautiful or otherwise. 

Okaaaay so my guess is you've lived in Denver your entire life.

P.s. you have to admit that the guess was very well posed. Didn't expect Mr gentleman to have a brain.

P.p.s. I'm kidding

P.p.p.s. maybe ;) 

~Z :

: I'm gonna name you, Mr wily. Once more you've framed two guesses as one senor. And excuse moi *most offended face ever made in history* HaVe A BrAiN? I'm very much at the top of my class if you must know!

S-1 Z-4

Oh, Sweet honey in tea! I've never been on the losing side before this. Huh, something new every day. Also, that means that your guess is correct. Yes, I'm from Denver and yes, I've lived here my entire life.

Mr Wily, seeing as you've already taken four guesses, I'm hoping you wouldn't mind me taking two as well ;)

So Z I'm guessing you are let's say 5'11" and don't like ketchup:)

~S :

: That was a creative way of cursing. Wily? Like Willy Wonka? And I'm now wary of your psychic powers. Those guesses are way too accurate and way too true.

S-3 Z-4

See now you aren't losing as sorely as before. Don't sulk.

 My guess for the day is, your favourite colour is green. (We are telling the correct answer though right? Like if the guess is wrong)

~Z :

: Yeah I guess, if the guess is wrong we can correct it if we want to. No pressure. And god no! Not Willy Wonka! More like Dr Wily from the game Doctore Wily :P

*Wizardly voice* Psychic powers? I can see everything, I know everything. Muahahaha.

But no, those are just amazing guessing skills. Wanna see them again? I'm guessing that you aren't an animal person.

Oh and your guess was pretty close. It's mint green, not just green.

S-3 Z-4

~S :

: Aww man! and your wizard is scaring me. I told you the psychic powers are very strong. I mean what voodoo magic are you practising? Are you stalking me? :P

But yes I'm not an animal person. I mean sure they are cute and all, but let them be cute four feet away from me. Or in pictures on Instagram. 

S-4 Z-4

Boy did you catch up or what. The score is tied. Wow. 

My guess- you are a footballer 

~Z :

: Was. Was a footballer. Not anymore. But I'll give you the point because at heart I still am.

S-4 Z-5

And I'm guessing that you work?

Confession: I look forward to these posts. I like talking to you ;)

~S :

: You definitely are a charmer. But yeah these notes are something I look forward to the whole day. I'll be honest life ain't at its peak at the moment :') I like talking to you as well.

And yes I work, a part-time summer job. 

S-5 Z-5

I'm guessing you have a sibling. 

Tell me something that you do throughout the day. If you want to I mean. 

~Z :

: What's wrong??? Are you fine? Why isn't life good? You know you can tell me anything right? But if me talking about what I do throughout my day helps in any way, then listen, I've become a sloth. Or so my mom says. The only times I get out of the house is to come to Parks. I mostly watch movies or help out my mom at times. Also, your guess is correct, I have a twin sister but she's been travelling since high school got over. 

S-5 Z-6

See you're winning again. Cheer up. You know what I'm gonna buy you a drink. I'll leave the order with Mrs River and pay for it. Just claim your drink tonight senor. Hope it makes you feel better :)

As for my guess, I'm guessing that you would love to meet me.

I don't like you being upset Z, and I hate that I can't do anything as of now. Hope things get better for you soon :)

~S :

: Thank you for the drink S. It definitely made me feel loads better. You sure you were a footballer? You are way too sweet to be one :P Do you miss your sister? I'll tell you this without you guessing, I don't have siblings, but I have a best friend who's like a sister to me. And she's sort of pissed off with me and not talking to me at the moment. It sucks. So I'm guessing your sister not being with you must suck? 

Wait that wasn't my guess! My guess is that you are not really a milky coffee person?

And as for your guess, it's true. But I like this thing we have. Whatever it is. Leave it be like this for a while maybe? 

S-6 Z-6

I'm glad you found my note S.

~Z :

: That totally was two guesses :P Yeah it sucks. I miss her tons. We are really close and talk almost every night. What did you do to get your friend pissed at you? 

I was a hardcore black coffee lover, but due to certain circumstances, I had to cut that down. Which means,

S-6 Z-7

It's your wish Z, I'll respect whatever you decide. I don't mind if we meet today or six months after. I'm certain that we'll meet. But if you wish to keep things as they are right now, it's absolutely okay. Don't worry. And I consider myself very lucky to have found your post.

~S :


These posts cover the time period of two weeks. The next chapter will continue with Zach's p.o.v. 

Hope you liked this chapter. I personally love reading these posts. That's why I decided to a chapter consisting only of interactions between Zach and Simon.

please do hit the star and leave a comment, it would make me very happy indeed :)

Love you all!


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