The Pillows Will Live

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Z's p.o.v

: That print will look better on your lips than on the tissue ;) Hope that's proof enough. As for your question, it would only be fair if the information was given from both sides. What say we play 20 guesses? Each of us guesses one thing about the other and they confirm or deny it. I'll start.

Guess 1- you belong to the male category of the homo sapien species. :

What should have been running through my head on seeing the tissue paper I'm not sure of. But what was running through my head was how funny he must have looked while doing it. He actually had the drink and left proof for me. One word, three letters, WOW! Paint me impressed. 

I had come prepared to not be disappointed if I didn't receive a reply note. But this definitely made up for his absence. I am glad that Cade is not here right now or I would have had a hard time explaining why I have been grinning like a madman. 

The game. I'll admit I am intrigued. And excited. This thing we have going on, this conversation, exchange of notes, whatever it is, is giving me the feel of a rebel. And I love it. It's been so long since I did anything outside of the basic norm. Judge me all you want, but things like this excite me to a whole another planet. 

: That would be one correct guess. 

S-1 Z-0

And my guess is that you are a 20-year-old male S.

Also, you have a nice set of lips. :

I didn't want to sign my note but because I knew his name started with S, I felt like he should know mine as well. So instead of signing it I sort of put it there. Not making it too obvious. Also, I don't know why added the lips comment. It felt right while writing it but now after having read the note 20 times, I'm not so sure about it. 

I was about to crush the note to make a new one when my phone rang. It was an incoming video call from dad. Perfect. I was just starting to think that my day would possibly pass by happily. Probably shouldn't have thought that. Jinxed my own day.

I knew I would have to listen to how it's not proper manners to not pick up someone's phone, but I'm not going to take that call in public. Hastily drowning my drink and placing the note in the slot, I shot a quick bye at Mrs River and ran home. The second call will not come. I know that because it would be expected of me to call back as soon as possible. And for my sake, that better be very soon. 

Reaching home in a record time of 7 minutes, I quickly changed into something more presentable and then dialled my father. On the third ring, as always, he accepted the call and there sitting in their formal attire were my parents. I swear those two never changed out of those clothes.

"Hello, mother. Father." A nod from my father and a smile from mum. "I was out for some work and missed your call. Sorry. How are you both?"

"We are well. You should carry your phone with you. What if we would not have been able to connect now? It's important you talk to us when we call. You know we are busy and can't be available for you to call at your leisure."

"Yes, sir. It shall not happen again."

"We were made aware that your holidays have begun. We are arranging for you to come down here and work with us."

"With all due respect sir, I shall not be able to do as asked. I have a job here and it goes on till the end of my holidays.-"  My father's eyes sparked with irritation and buried anger. I had been putting off going back home, even for short periods, for a long time now. I know I was wearing my father's patience down.  "-I have promised my dedication to the work and shall see through it till the end." 

"What work is this that you speak of? Is it in a reputed company?"

"It is a bookstore near my college that also serves as a library, sir"

"You're working in a bookstore."

"Yes, sir. I have given my word and signed a contract. I'm in no position to leave the job. Also, it gives me extra credits in college."

"Why are you in need of extra credits? Have you been slacking?"

"No, sir. I have not been slacking-"

"Then what? Have you been fooling around with boys again? I told you to forget about that. It was your brain playing with you in that darned hostel."

"I have-" I was having a hard time controlling myself from shouting. It would not end any better than the situation at present, might worsen it even "- not been fooling around with anyone. And it's not something the brain plays with, sir. It's who I am."


"Sorry sir, but it's not something I can change and it will not 'go away' through denial."

"Zach Connor! You dare speak to your father like that and defy him. If I say that you're not-" He couldn't even say the word "-abnormal, then that is it. Your mother and I have raised you better than that!"

"Again with all due respect sir, neither of you has raised me."


I was taken aback for a moment for my mother rarely spoke in these calls let alone shout. And her raising her voice was a feat in itself. It was usually my father who did the speaking, losing temper and shouting, etcetera. I know I was testing my limits but who were they to come as and when they pleased and ruin a perfectly good day for me. And the same conversation again and again. I was getting tired of it.

"Sorry mum, but it's the truth just like the fact that I'm not interested in girls"

I could almost see a pulse throbbing in my father's neck. Any more and he is going to pop it. Maybe mum saw that and decided to take over.

"Dear, you have just not found the right girl yet."

"Mother-" Their attention was distracted and they looked towards the door of wherever they were seated.

"Sorry dear, it seems we are required urgently. We shall talk to you soon. Bye"

Before I could say anything else the call had ended. My blank and extremely stressed face stared back at me through the now black screen.

Just a lovely typical talk with my parents. Nothing new. That night my pillows had to bear the brunt of my anger twice. They didn't deserve to be punched into or dampened. I didn't deserve the crap I got from my parents. The world wasn't fair. The pillows will live.


To clear things up, yes it seemed like Zach has not accepted his sexuality in the previous chapters where he tells Cade that he is not into guys. That was a moment of embarrassment and in public. Zach doesn't like to be confronted or called out like that in public and hence he denied. He is very much in acceptance of his sexuality.

Now that that's out of the way. Omg Zach, my poor baby. His parents are such a *inserts few coulrful words of choice*.

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Love you all!


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