Be A Good Boy

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S's p.o.v

: You don't know me. For all you know I'm a crazy old lady who knew that the drink was horrible and wanted others to suffer. And hence wrote that. What proof do I have that you actually drank it and not just faking it? :

I was grinning like crazy. I knew for a fact that the person writing these posts is not a crazy old lady. Call it my instinct or the fact that I'm praying to god for it to not be a crazy old lady. I had rushed over to the cafe as soon as I woke up. I had stayed up late video calling Sam and thus woke up later than usual. I had to wait sometime to sit at the table I wanted, the one where I left the post.

As soon as I sat down I reached under the table to search for the post. I will not lie and tell that I was not excited that I had received a response. As I said before, I couldn't stop grinning. I had spent all of yesterday binge watching Sherlock with mom. It was petty but my teammates were ignoring me because I left the team and it showed how much they cared. It was not an easy decision for me to leave football but I had no other option. And Luke has gone to his grandparents for a month. That loser. As I was saying since I got sucked into Sherlock I hadn't got the chance to come to the cafe later in the evening.

I was sipping my frappuccino with chocolate sauce and thinking of a response to leave when my phone rang.

"Yo Si, What's up man?" Luke bellowed. I literally had to take the phone away from my ear.

"Just chilling in Parks."

"You have become a sissy since I left you." He again bellowed followed by a loud booming laughter.

"Dude stop shouting man. You don't have a proper network in your tiny ass village doesn't mean I don't have it either. Go milk the cows or something."

"Very funny man. But seriously, it's ridiculous here. No wifi, no hot chicks, nothing man!" And now he was whispering.

"Ok man, whatever the hell is wrong with your network, don't make me lose my hearing before I die."

"Shut up man. You don't get the pain I'm going through. You're sitting there sipping on your latte with your pinkie up and I'm sitting and watching my grandma knit."

I couldn't stop myself and burst out laughing.

"When are you coming back?"

"I'll run away from here within the next week if I could but mom will whoop my sorry ass back here forever if I pulled that kind of stunt. So I'll be coming sometime after three weeks." The poor soul groaned.

"It's okay man, you'll survive-"

"Yeah sure" He scoffed

"-anyway I'll talk to you later. Have to take mom's coffee back for her."

"See ya man. Bye"

"Bye. Don't have too much fun knitting those sweaters"

Before he could say anything I cut the call. Luke Blackman, he had been my friend since 2nd grade. He is also on the football team. In fact, he's the captain but he didn't let me leaving the team come between our friendship. He also knew about my preferences because he was the one who had dared me to kiss a guy. He lived in the house next to mine and had the whole golden boy thing going for him. People used to call us the terrific two in high school. But he was anything but the golden boy apart from the looks. There wasn't a single girl he hadn't slept with, that man whore. His blonde head and blue eyes combined with all of his 6' footballer self definitely helped his case.

I was done with my coffee, I quickly scribbled a post to leave and collected my parcel to leave. I was definitely becoming addicted to this place and the drink. I had an appointment with Dr. Wilson in an hour so I decided to head there anyway and wait over there. Glancing one last time at the post, I quickly folded it and put it in the slot before exiting the cafe.

: True. I don't know you. But I would definitely love too ;) And if you're a crazy old lady, who's to say I'm not a batshit crazy old grandpa? I would still make a sexy grandpa though ;) :*

~S :

I reached Dr. Wilson's clinic 15 mins before my appointment time and because there was no one else I was sent in immediately.

"AH Simon! How are you doing son?"

"Great doc. I found my favorite kind of milk coffee, so that's good I guess? What do you say? How are you liking your black coffee?" I gave him a playful glare. He knew I meant no harm.

"Don't sass me boy or I'll remove coffee completely from your allowed list."

"YOU WOULDN'T DO THAT" I fake gasped and put a hand on my heart. Soon we were both laughing.

Dr. Wilson started with the check-ups which went on for the next 15 minutes.

"All seems fine. Let's get you in the scanner shall we"

"Is it really necessary to do that every week doc. And I anyway feel completely fine."

"So you're saying you agree for the operation. Should have said so son. Also, you didn't have a massive headache you called me for the other day?" He gave me a pointed look. He knew what cards to play. As soon as the words operation ready were out of his mouth, I was heading towards the scanning room with a pout.

"Don't sulk now. I'll give you a candy if you be a good boy." He laughed.

I was waiting in the waiting room when he called me in 20 minutes later to discuss the results of the scan.

"It seems to be of the same size as the last scan-"

"Which was last week" I drawled and got a glare in return.

"-but if you feel anything or anything unusual happens, call me immediately. We agreed to your 'I'm an adult and I choose to not get operated', so you now have to agree to our terms. Did you tell your family about this?"

I sat up a little straighter at that.

"Not yet, they don't need to worry. I'll tell them when it's the right time."

"I suggest you tell them soon son. We don't know what will happen when. With such things, you can never be completely certain."

I gave him a nod and a tight-lipped smile before collecting the reports and leaving. I'm not going to worry anyone anytime before they absolutely need to. This is not the kind of burden everyone can handle.


Wow, that was one big chapter. So what did you think of Luke from that tiny glimpse? Also, hello Dr. Wilson.

What were they scanning for? What's going on with Simon? So many questions!!! Continue reading and stay with me on this journey to find out.

Hope you liked this chapter. Please do hit that star and leave comments. It would definitely make me happy :D

Love you all!!


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