Dying Whale Noises

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A/n: So that it doesn't confuse anyone. The day Simon was taken to the hospital, Zach did not go to Parks. This is of the day after.

Z's p.o.v

It's mentally and physically draining to fight with someone you care for. More if the said person if one of the only few people you care for. It seems like Cade just can't see what she did wrong.

I couldn't bring myself to get up and go to work, so I called in sick. Dennis wasn't very happy about it but I'm taking a day off from caring about anything. It's almost 3 in the noon and I'm out of bed only because my stomach won't making dinosaur mating call noises. Dragging myself to the washroom I stood in front of the mirror staring at my swollen eyes for a good 5 minutes. What a glorious mess! I splashed my face with cold water multiple times to get rid of the haze I seem to be in. I could walk without falling on my face now.

After having a quick shower and brushing of teeth, I took my house keys from the bowl on the stand near the door and left for Parks. It is an unusual time for me to go there but I am desperately in need of food and some coffee.

It was fairly empty with only one old couple in the corner and a businessman with his laptop on the countertop. Mrs. River came out of the kitchen upon hearing the bell that rings whenever someone leaves or enters.

"Zach! Honey, you look awful!"


"Don't grumble boy, I'll bring your coffee and what say pasta today?"

"Cream sauce with extra cheese, please. Thank you so much"

"Anytime dear. Go take a seat."

I had just seated and taken out the note from the slot when I heard the bell jingle. Looking up I saw a couple enter but didn't pay much attention to it, focusing on the note.

: It might or might not have slipped my mind that I had to take a guess :P But hey! Black coffee is bae alright! Yes, I said it. Sue me. But it is what it is. Although I'll admit that the Frappuccino is a close competitor. And nopety nope. I don't have any tattoos.

S-6 Z-7

And only because you took that guess my guess is that you have two tattoos.

So am I allowed to ask what are your plans for the summer or will I have to extract that using my share of guesses? I'll tell you mine anyway. Nothing. Yup! Nothing, I intend on doing nothing this summer, just relax.

~S :

: That was a stolen guess but a correct one. I do have two tattoos. One on my back and one on my leg. What they are, that you can find for yourself someday:)

S-7 Z-7

You did not just call black coffee bae? *imagine bewildered look followed by hysterical laughing*

I don't have much time to do anything as I'm working part-time. I had thought of going to some cheesy touristy city but guess not. Maybe some other summer. Out of curiosity, if your sister is out there traveling, why didn't you go with her?

~Z :

I was putting away my note in the slot when the couple's conversation piqued my curiosity.

"-Yeah one of those. He asked to add some hazelnut sauce"

"No honey I think it was chocolate sauce"

"I remember him telling hazelnut sauce"

"He definitely said chocolate sauce"

Mrs. River was standing there patiently watching the couple decide which sauce they wanted. I could say she wanted to interrupt but she was too sweet and polite to do that.

"Let's just call him"

"Yeah good idea"

Mrs. River excused herself while they made the call and brought over my order. My mouth watered just at the sight of it. I am ready to fight people who tell me creamy cheesy sauced pasta isn't good. It is the best thing to have ever happened to the mankind. As good as my coffee. Yup, no competition there. And the combination of the two? More like why don't you take me to heaven already?

I know it's not correct to eavesdrop, but it's not like they were talking softly. Everyone in the cafe could hear them even if there was a drum solo going on. Okay, I might be exaggerating a bit, but you get the idea.

"See, I told you it was chocolate sauce"

"Yeah all right"

"So that would be one Frappuccino with extra chocolate sauce"

I almost choked on my drink. Are those S's parents? The couple (potentially S's parents) looked over to see who was making the dying whale noises and me being me I ducked under the table. Mrs. River cleared her throat to get their attention away from me and saving me from embarrassing myself further.

"That'll be it?"

They rattled off other things to go. While waiting for their order they glanced in my direction once or twice but I thankfully kept my face hidden, almost buried, in my bowl of pasta. Soon they left after collecting their order and I was able to breathe normally again. On an impulse I took the note I had written,

: That was a stolen guess but a correct one. I do have two tattoos. One on my back and one on my leg. What they are, that you can find for yourself someday:)

S-7 Z-7

You did not just call black coffee bae? *imagine bewildered look followed by hysterical laughing*

I don't have much time to do anything as I'm working part-time. I had thought of going to some cheesy touristy city but guess not. Maybe some other summer. Out of curiosity, if your sister is out there traveling, why didn't you go with her?

P.s. I think I just saw your parents in Parks. Why were they picking up your order?

~Z :

Stuffing the note back in its place, I quickly finished my food and drink and left after thanking Mrs. River. The fact that I potentially saw S's parents and they probably saw me choking on pasta shouldn't be affecting me but I couldn't get it out of my head.


Aloha! Sorry for the absence but I had gone on vacation with my friends and potentially died of ALMOSt food poisoning. :P

Anyway short chapter yes, but it was funny! And I loved writing it.

Hope you did as well. Do vote, comment and share :)

Love you all!


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