For Real?

26 4 0

S's p.o.v


It had been a perfect day. I loved that Zach did all of that for me. And I hated myself for doing this to him. 

We had been eating in the food hub place when I felt a headache coming. I ignored it for as long as I could. Zach finally caught on to the fact that something was wrong and repeatedly kept asking me if I was fine. I denied the fact that I wasn't fine to the point I passed out. And now here we are, back in the hospital. 

Zach refused to move from my side but also refused to look at me. He was pissed that I lied to him. Hell, even I was pissed at myself for ruining the day.


"I'm sorry"  It was killing me because I could see his shoulders shaking. I made him cry. I hate myself for that.

"Z please look at me. I'm so sorry for ruining the perfect day. I wanted it to end on a good note. That's why I didn't tell you. I'm so sorry Z.."

He turned towards me and the sight killed me. His eyes were swollen and red-rimmed and he had tears running down his face.

"Z-Zach" I managed to choke out.

He came striding towards me and wrapped me in a hug. We stayed like that for what seemed like forever. He had finally stopped crying.

"You absolute, utter git! If there's anything that you should apologize is for lying to me! The day is still perfect as long as I'm with you. But you scared me Si! Something could have happened to you and it would have been because of me. Because I didn't realize sooner that you weren't feeling fine."

"It was just a headache. Doc said I'm fine Z! Please stop crying, it's killing me."

We stayed there for an hour or so more before mom came and I got the clearance from doc to go home. 


It had been four days since our zoo date. Mom had put me on house arrest all over again but this time I didn't mind it. Zach had resigned from his job and spent most of his time with me. He was hesitant at first to come to my house. But after meeting mom at the hospital he had almost ganged up with them against me. 

Currently, we were snuggled on my bed watching a moving. I felt my phone vibrating and saw that it was Sam calling. I had told her about Zach a few days ago.

"Hey, Sion!"

"Hii sis" I laughed at the name that she had called me since we were kids because she said that Simon was too big a name.

"Guess what?"

"You pregnant?" Zach gave me an incredulous look and I just shook my head at him.



"I'm coming home! Next week!!"

"For real?"


"That is amazing Sam! I can't wait to see you. Wait is John coming?"

"Okay, I'll talk to you later. I just wanted to give you the news first. BYEE"

"Bye sis. Love you"

"Love you too!!"

As I cut the call, I was excited to see Sam again after soo long. But then dread settled in my stomach as I realized that I will have to tell her about my condition. I had almost forgotten Zach was there until he placed his palm on my fisted hands and eased my phone out of my grip.

"She'll understand. Don't worry"

"How do you know. What if she never wants to talk to me again for not telling her sooner"

"That is not possible. No one can ever not talk to you by choice"


"I'm serious. Don't stress about it. I know she'll understand and show nothing but love and understanding" He said while intertwining our hands and placing a small kiss on the back of my hand.

He always knew what to say and to calm me down despite the fact he had known me for barely a month and more.

"She deserves to know. She would want to know."

"I know. But I don't want to burden her Z! She's soo happy with John, I don't want to tarnish that happiness"

"She's your sister Si. For her, you will come before anyone else."

"I know that and that's the problem. I don't want to come before anyone else for her. I'm not going to be here for long Zach! I'm glad she found John."

This was the first time that I had said out loud the fact that I'm won't be here for long. I looked over at Zach. He had tears brimming in his eyes but he didn't let them fall. I could see the determined look that came over his face as he took me into another one of his fierce hugs that healed absolutely everything.

Of all the things that have been dealt to me in the past few months, I'm glad I met Zach. I wouldn't change a thing if it meant not meeting Zach.

I look up from the hug and look at his face. I want to remember everything, every freckle, every line of his face. He peeks down at me and smiles. That smile, it was one of the best things ever. I leaned upwards a bit and our lips touched. Even after having kissed him so many times, each time is equally electrifying. 

I dozed off soon after. The medicines had been making me drowsier. The last thing that I remember before falling asleep was Zach placing a kiss on my forehead. I fell asleep with a smile permanently etched on my face.


Hola amigos!

I know there wasn't a lot of important stuff in this chapter, but it is important for the timeline of the book.

Thank you for bearing with me and my extremely late updates. 

Love you all!


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