Better On Your Lips

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S's p.o.v

Lord have mercy.

The entire weekend! Three days with her hovering over me. Almost suffocating me. Even 'he' could not control her. She had wrecked havoc upon the house. Even ice cream wouldn't diffuse her. Who am I talking about?

The lady who's vagina I came out of. Actually not, since I'm the product of an operated arrival in the world. But you get it!

My mother, she has been crazy the whole weekend. Not even my father, the above mentioned 'he', and his cheesiness had helped. Let alone the house, she wouldn't even let me out of my room. And why was I subjected to this torture you ask? I might or might not have had a small scene where I graciously fell into the hands of the lush, soft carpet. Now my father would say that I was making out with it, but that is definitely not true. I merely felt like embracing the carpet or maybe I had fainted. When my mother was in the room. 

She went doczilla mode, the mode where her motherly instincts, her doctorly instincts, and her Godzilla instincts all came out at once. It's scary. Modes to stay away from 101. Doczilla definitely topped that list. Dr Wilson better keeps his end of the deal and not contact my parents, or I'm never seeing the outside world again.

I was almost sprinting towards Parks and had to physically restrain my speed. I admit I was slightly worried that there won't be any post waiting for me, that the other person had taken my absence as me not wanting to talk anymore. As soon as I had gotten the approval from mom, I had left for Parks. And there I could see it looming ahead amongst thee busy paved roads full of thy mortals.

I know I know. Am I great at it or what? I should have taken poetry or literature as my major. Would have totally rocked it.

I smiled at Mrs River and gave her my order before heading towards my table. Wasting no time I reached under the table and extracted the folded post there. Sighing in relief I realized that I had been unconsciously holding my breath in anticipation all this while.

: Sorry but grandpas are not my type ;) And you evaded my question. Which leads to the fact that you haven't actually had the drink.

p.s. are you from Denver? :

It was not signed. I was hoping that since I had signed my last post, he (or she?) would sign theirs too. I had just assumed. I guess they want their identity to stay as it is now, anonymous. I hope not for long though. And was that flirting that I noticed. Boy, I really wanted to know who this person was.

As for the part about me proving whether I had had the drink or not, I asked Mrs River to give me a bill without my name on it. Next, I took a nice big messy sip of the drink, messy enough for the foam and chocolate sauce to cover my lip. Taking a tissue, I planted a huge big fat kiss on it. Smart right? I saw something like this in some movie. I hoped this was proof enough. I placed the tissue and the un-named bill in the slot before quickly scribbling a post as well. 

: That print will look better on your lips than on the tissue ;) Hope that's proof enough. As for your question, it would only be fair if the information was given from both sides. What say we play 20 guesses? Each of us guesses one thing about the other and they confirm or deny it. I'll start. 

Guess 1- you belong to the male category of the homo sapien species. :

I was praying to all the gods present, Greek, Roman, Norse, Indian, Egyptian, whoever, that the person was a he than she. I mean I don't have a problem with a she. Just that, ugh, I don't know. I don't know why I was hoping for a he, maybe I had read one too many young adult fiction books and had ideas forming in my head. Stupid I know.

I really needed Luke or Sam to come back. It was getting a bit lonely, and it's no fun roaming around alone. Home was a no-no right now since I didn't know what mode mom would be in but I was not in the mood to be locked up inside the house again. I decided to go to the bookstore near my college to pick up a book or maybe sit and read there. 

Entering in, I was immediately engulfed with the distinct smell libraries had. Now, I was not an avid reader but I enjoyed a book or two now and then. Also, I knew that a new Rick Riordan book had been published recently and I was hoping to get it here. The bookstore was crowded with kids and their parents since some read out loud event was going on. I located the book and went to the counter to buy it but nobody was there at the counter. I tried looking around but didn't spot any employee.

Suddenly, one of the employees came towards me from the event area. He looked like a mad scientist, to be honest. His hair was dishevelled and face was flushed with mad looking eyes. 

"I'm sorry sir, but I and the only other employee here have been sucked into that mad rush. I don't know why the boss even has these events. Anyway, can you please give me 5 minutes, I'll be back in a jiffy to bill that for you. Just need to inform Zach."

"It's okay.." I took a quick look at his name tag on the front of his button-up shirt "..Dennis. Take a breath. I'll be down that shelf reading, just holler me when you're done." I smiled at him.

The grateful look he gave me was enough reason for me to not be irritated by the delay. Anyway, I didn't mind sitting and reading. I took one last look at the crowd, Dennis getting lost in the crowd to meet his co-worker I suppose. 

The sounds of the children, their parents and the person reading the books aloud all merged as background noise once I started reading. I got so engrossed that even after buying the book I continued to sit and read it in the store itself. After about an hour or so, the sound increased a couple notches. Looking up I saw that the event was over and people were leaving or buying books. Since it was late afternoon and I had left home in the morning, I decided to head back. I saw Dennis talking with his co-worker who's back was facing me. I quickly shot a smile at him and waved bye before merging with the exiting crowd.


Hey there everyone. I know I've been gone a long time, but things have been a bit crazy. A lot has been going on and I would love to tell what, but it would become a rant.

Hope you liked this chapter.

Do hit the star and comment !!

p.s. stupid thing to tell I know but this chapter has exactly 1234 words :P

Love you all!


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