So Are You

49 8 0

S's p.o.v

I had just settled in my seat after giving my order. It had been a rough night. The stupid headache won't go and left me tossing and turning in its wake. I shifted my body to get a bit more comfortable, stupid cafe chairs, can't even seat you comfortably. I knew I was in a grouchy mood. Mom had let me know about it when I scowled at the fridge for not opening and then at the shoe rack for misplacing my shoes.

I know, I know! That's not possible and the maid must have put them somewhere else. But everything was irritating me. I had to get out of house and Sam had mentioned this place once so I decided to come here. 

My leg hit the table in the process of me getting comfortable and a piece of paper fell down. I bent down to pick it up when I saw the slot under the table. It was a rectangular box attached to the bottom of the table with one side open. It had few pieces of blank paper and a pen stacked in the corner. It wasn't big, hence barely visible unless you were in the position like me. I was about to put the fallen piece of paper back in the slot when I noticed that it had something written on it.

: Try the frappuccino, ask them to add some chocolate sauce, it's amazing :) : 


The handwriting was cursive and there was no name on the paper. I checked both sides. I decided to actually do as the person suggested and placed the order, asking them to parcel the previous order. Mom could have that if she wanted or I'll have it later. I usually took my coffee black, but the doctor had told me not to take it anymore. Apparently, it was too much to handle for my brain. So now I had to take my coffee with milk to tone down the effect. I had been trying different ones for the past week and had not found the one I liked yet. I was losing hope and resigning to having to drink unsatisfactory coffee. I was re-reading the note when the waitress came with the coffee.

"Here you go sir" She was batting her eyelashes at me, trying to touch my arm while putting the glass down.

"There's something wrong with your eyes. Your eyelashes are fluttering more than that can be considered normal." I said with a worried look on my face.

She turned bright red and opened her mouth to say something but then decided against it and strutted away. Gods, I've had to deal with these girls for a long time now and I'm seriously tired of it. I think I need to get 'I'm gay' tattoed on my forehead or wear a board around my neck.

I realized I batted for the other team when I was 15. I was at a friend's party and we were playing truth or dare. Of course, them being the mature beings they are, they dared me to kiss a boy. It was meant as a joke aimed at embarrassing me and yes at that point I was a bit embarrassed. But I, Simon Torrance, never backed down from a dare, so I went and kissed Alex. I had gone with the intention of giving a peck, but the moment our lips met, I knew something had undeniably changed in my universe. The kiss, to say the least, was electrifying. Alex pushed me off with a disgusted face and 'what the fuck bro', but I knew then that I was a swinger for the half part of the population that thought with their body parts below the waist than their brains.

I was thinking about Alex and absent-mindedly took a sip of the drink. And holy mother of guacamole, I'm telling you it was the best thing ever! Like okay, not better than black coffee but the best you could get with milk in your coffee. It instantly sent a jolt of relief to my pounding head and cooled my mind. Sam always complained about how lucky I was that cold beverages soothed my headache instead of worsening it. I guess I was just lucky. 

Gulping down the drink in a matter of 10 minutes I was already ordering a second one. The atmosphere of the cafe and the drink had done the trick and my headache was gone. I felt a lot more human now. Bless the person who left the note in there. I felt I needed to write back something and thank them and just let them know that the drink indeed was amazing. But I had no idea if they will even get the note. What if some other person took it? What if the person who wrote it never came back to this place? I decided it was pointless to write anything when there were hardly likely chances of it reaching its destination.

I was standing at the bill counter to collect my parcel. A middle-aged lady came out from the kitchen holding my parcel bag. She gave me a warm smile and was about to turn to go back to the kitchen when she abruptly turned around and looked at my clenched hand that had the chit in it.

"You wrote something there dear?"

"Uhh no, it was there on the table I was seated at. Actually, this chit is the reason behind my order" I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck. I don't know why I was telling her this.

"We put those slots there under the table hoping someone would find them and maybe use them. I feel so happy right now." Her smile was infectious. Even though I was feeling awkward and didn't know what to say.

I thanked her for my order and was about to leave the cafe when a thought occurred to me. A thought that why not just leave a thank you chit and maybe say something nice for whoever saw the note, and might smile because of it. I went back to my table and quickly scribbled a note and put it back in the slot, neatly folded. 

: It indeed is amazing. So are you ;) : 


How sarcastic is Simon ?:P

I know many people don't consider coffee with milk in it as 'real' or 'actual' coffee. But I love my coffee with milk AND sugar. It's amazing! And I have no intentions of having something bitter on purpose. No thank you.

I loved writing this chapter! Hope you equally enjoyed reading it.

Do hit that star if you enjoyed it and leave a comment :D

Love you all!


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