Green-Eyed Gentleman

24 7 4

Author's p.o.v

He kept looking up everytime the door opened. He couldn't help it even though he knew it was only 8:15. The excitement had not let him sit at home, and now he had been sitting in the cafe since 8 PM. Simon had ordered two frappuccinos for them and asked Mrs. River to bring it when his guest came. He could see the knowing look in her eyes. Of course, there weren't many who ordered that particular drink. She obviously knew Z. He barely held himself back from asking her about him. 

Meanwhile, Zach was on his way to Parks. He was extremely anxious and his hair, which he had taken more than thirty minutes to set, was now all ruffled due to constantly running his hand through his hair. 10 minutes later, standing in front of the cafe's door, he was at war with himself in his mind. Taking a few deep breaths and gathering enough courage he finally pushed open the door. 

Simon looked up at the sound of the door opening, prepared to be disappointed again, but then he saw a guy his age walk in. He felt like he had seen him somewhere. The guy looked nervous and was looking around the cafe like searching for someone. When his eyes landed on Simon they widened and recognition seemed to dawn upon them. As he approached Simon that this was Z.

"Bar guy? You're S?"

"Z? Bar guy?"

"Uhh... remember that day in that bar, you spilled my drinks and..."

"British dude?"

"Yeah, that would be me" Zach chuckled remembering how Simon had winked at him that day.

"So technically we're meeting for the second time."


"You look cuter with specs!"


Noone said anything after that for two heartbeats. Simon looked at Zach, his Z, and cleared his throat before smiling brightly.

"Hi, I'm Simon Torrance." Simon's smile widened when he saw that Zach was blushing. His cheeks and the bridge of his nose was 20 shades of pink. 'Damn, he looks cute' was the only thing on his mind.

While trying to control his blush Zach managed to speak which he thought was a feat in itself. 

"I'm Zach Connor"

"Zach" Instead of Zach controlling his blush, it became worse as he definitely turned into the ripest strawberry shade. He couldn't help but love the way his name rolled off of Simon's tongue.

"Zach, shall we sit? I've already given the order and it should be here any moment now" Simon couldn't stop smiling. 

Zach managed a nod in response. He was about to sit when Simon came forward and pulled his chair out for him. He looked at him with astonishment clear in his eyes which then led to his heart melting for this green-eyed gentleman. For his green-eyed gentleman.

"You ARE a gentleman" Simon bowed and tipped his imaginary hat.

Both of them couldn't stop smiling. Even though Zach felt nervous and kept his gaze low, Simon couldn't stop admiring the finest specimen of the human race sitting in front of him. He loved how his hair was all messy and how he kept pushing his glasses up his nose. Zach feeling Simon's eyes on him subconsciously reached to smoothen his hair a bit.

"Leave it be, it looks perfect"

"Uhh, okay." Zach thought he couldn't blush any deeper. But he thought wrong. Simon saw the blush on Zach's cheeks and nose deepening and chuckled out loud. At that, Zach looked up and gave him the most heart-melting nervous laugh that Simon had ever heard. 

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