I Was A Goner

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S's p.o.v

I was stunned. Had I been sitting here for 10 seconds? 10 minutes? 10 hours? I kept staring at the door Zach had walked out of. I had hoped that even after telling him everything he would want to stay and maybe just maybe we could have become more than friends. 

As I wiped my tears away, the door opened again and Zach stormed in. Right towards me. And slapped me. Hard.


"Damn right ow! I had to go calm myself down so that I wouldn't punch you!"

"Calm yourself down? And then you come and slap me! That's not calming down!"

"Be glad I didn't punch you! You absolute stupid, idiot, git!"

 "I'm sorry, what?!"

"How even in the world could you think or be afraid that I won't talk to you or wouldn't want to meet you? HOW?? Are you so thick in the head? Maybe all those years being a footballer took a toll on your senses-"

"-or maybe it's the cancer"

"Watch it! You're walking on thin ice here boy. I'm in no mood for jokes. Stop ginning! I'm going to slap that stupid grin off of your face! How could you even fathom such stupid ideas? And not telling your parents and Sam!!?? Having them not worry? They're your family and they have the right to know such things and it's their duty to worry about you. Especially when its something of this magnitude! And do even need to ask what the MINOR incident was? Because I'm pretty sure it was anything but minor! And yes it's stupid and I feel stupid because we barely know about each other but damn I want to know everything about you and spend as much time as I can with you Simon! And you better get the-"

I kissed him. You could say that I've quite a few rom-coms where one of the mains ramblings is shut by the other kissing him or her and that I have wanted to do something like that forever. Not that I minded Zach talking but the moment I laid eyes on him, I knew I was a goner. Sure I've kissed before, but none of them and I repeat none of them were even close to this kiss. I realized that Zach was frozen and pulled back immediately.

"I'm sorry, I should have asked but you were-" I never finished that sentence because he had pulled me back in the kiss. I loved bold Zach. He always surprised me. Did I mention that when I kissed him it was the best kiss of my life? Yeah? That's false. THIS is the best kiss of my life! Him kissing me! How did I get so lucky?

We pulled out of the kiss gasping for air. Zach looked dazed. He touched his lips, pink swollen lips, with his fingers and looked up at me with a definite sparkle in his eyes and a smile on his face.

"That was the best first kiss ever!!!"

"First kiss?"

"Uhh... yeah" He did that nervous chuckle and running his hand through his hair thing. I loved it when he did that. It made me want to kiss him more. 

"I can't emphasize enough how glad I'm that I met you. I know we've barely met or known much about each other, but I like you, Zach. I know I do. And want to spend how much ever time I have with you. I'm not expecting you to say it back but I just wanted you to know."

"I love talking to you and I want to see where this goes. I'm going to be by your side till the end. That's for sure. You're stuck with me now."

"Best place and person to be stuck with"

We laughed and I took a moment to look at him. The crinkles near his eyes as he smiled, and of course that ruffled hair of his. And then, of course, that was the moment mom chose to call.

"Hey, mom"

"Is he there? Did he come? And when are you coming back?"

"Yes he's here and I'll be home soon."

"I want every tiny detail as soon as you come back."

"Okay, mom. Bye."

"Bye." I cut the call and looked up to see Zach looking at me. When he saw that I caught him looking he blushed and looked down. 

"You look cute when you blush" I laughed at his obvious deepening of the blush.

"Thanks. Your mom is calling you home?"

"Yeah, she is excited about our meeting and wants to know about everything. I don't think I'll mention the slap though. She won't let me forget it."

"Then she definitely needs to know. I'll tell her if you don't." He laughed.

"You can do that someday when you meet them"

He smiled at that and I could already picture the day when I'd take him to meet my family. 

"But for now I think I'll have to go otherwise my mom will come here."

"Oh, alright."

"We'll meet again though. Right?"


We stood up and walked to the door. Smiling at each other and bidding goodbye, I left for home.

It had been an hour now since I reached home and mom scooped out all the details of our meeting from me and fangirled over Zach. I was lying in my bed when my phone pinged.

: To-Bar guy

 From- British Dude

It was lovely meeting you. Maybe we could meet again tomorrow? :

I laughed at the name he had saved his name under on my phone and then again at the message. I had thought that I would have to message first, but he managed to surprise me yet again. 

: To- British Dude

From- Bar guy

I would love to!! :

After that, we chatted for some time before one of us called and then we were talking to each other for two hours. He had to go sleep since he had work in the morning and reminded me that I needed to rest. I had fallen for him hard and fast. I had fallen for him without taking a parachute with me. And now there's no stopping


I love #CORRANCE !!! They are the absolute best and the cutest beings out there!

Hope you guys liked this chapter because I definitely loved writing it.

Do vote, comment, and share!! 

Love you all!


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