Crazy old lady

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Z's p.o.v

"People just couldn't be bothered to keep the book back from where they took it can they? NO! Just leave it wherever you feel like, others will pick it up for you. Why not. Kings and queens they think they are. Bloody ignorant people."

I muttered to myself as I continued stacking away the various books littered across the tables. The selling point of the bookshop I'm working in is that they let you sit and read in the store without having to actually buy the book. Sort of like a library, without the hassles of a membership card or having to keep quiet. It was almost lunchtime and I was already ready for the day to be over. The pile of books to be stacked away was almost done and I eagerly put the rest away rushing to grab lunch.

I was almost out of the store when Dennis, the other employee here, called out to me. I didn't want to stop because I knew Dennis stopping you meant him transferring some of his work. And this I knew within the first week and doing half of his work.

"Zach! Hey man."

"Hey. What's up?"

"You off to lunch?"

"Yeah" I intended to keep this conversation as small as possible. And I promise I did my best to be as polite as ever.

"Cool. So I was wondering if you could do me a teeny tiny favor." Once I would have been fooled by the 'teeny tiny' part, but not today.

"Dennis I'm already working my shifts, I can't cover yours too, I'm sorry man."

"Dude I didn't even say anything about covering my shift."

"Oh, so it's not that?"

"Uh.." He scratched the back of his neck while giving me a sheepish smile.

"See I knew it"

"But dude just hear me out man. My girls been out of town for two weeks now and only just returned today. You know how things work with these girls man. I got to go out with her."

"No, I don't know how 'things work with these girls'. Also, I have to-"

"Cummon man, please, just this one time. I swear I won't ask you again."

I sighed because I knew he wasn't going to give up.

"Fine. But you owe me"

"Sure due. Whatever you want."

And he was gone before I could say 'kill me'.

I called Cade as I walked towards the small food joint around the corner.

"Hello, Z."

"Dude you have to do this man, you feel me my man, oh dude you know right"

"Is that Zach Connor being mean I hear? Good lords, the world is ending!"

"Cade I have to work 3 extra hours, can you please SHUT UP!"

"Geez all right calm your tits woman. By the way, found any hot guys?"

I knew my face was red. Why does she have to do this to me?

"Caadeeee" I whined into the phone.

"I-I... I'm not into guys!"

"Uhuh, sure! As you say Mr. I will check out guys asses but will not admit I like them. Anyway I'll come over to give you company, don't worry. I don't have practice today."

"I-I do not check out guys asses! Nevermind. And thanks. See you at 5."

"Byeee hot pants."

"Ugh just go Cade. Bye."

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