The New Girl

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Manisha's POV

It was my last year in high school;

I am a senior high and the Vice president of the school,

I'm also running for the valedictorian but I know I'll achieve it all,

everything was perfect in my life now,

there is nothing to worry about not even the past...

I'm Manisha Atgas but everyone calls me "nish or nisha",

If you'll look at me I'm about 5'8 tall and very thin

not to the point that I look like a walking dead but I'm skinny,

not to mention that in this school I am the prettiest and every man's desire,

well who wouldn't want me I'm smart, pretty, and talented

but we all know that we can't have it all, well that's just how life is..

I have a long time crush,

he was a childhood friend and the president of this school...

Allon, he was my prince, he was a gangster before and

even labeled as the school bad boy but on our second year high school

he fixed everything and became a prince that every woman desires...

And I have him, he is mine, even though

I know up until now he was still hopping that she will come back for him....

I don't care about what happen in his past

I will erased it all and I will replaced it all...

I will make him realized that the person

who loves him so much was right in front of him...

that I'm just standing with him all along

The teacher was in front of the classroom

she was teaching us about science history and stuff like that,

well I already did my advance study so I'm pretty sure it

would be okay if I don't listen to the class discussion right?...

I was looking at the window when I saw our school principal,

he was standing outside the door as I look around my teacher went out to see him...

I saw a student besides the school principal..

so we have a new students? but isn't it that she should be on the lower class

because it's already the second half of the school year..

I bet she has a good grades or something but then

I look away and faced my notebook I was drawing...

teacher-"Hi everyone meet your new classmates Mithilde Abhilasha"

My eyes widen as my ears heard what our teacher just announced...

I gather all the courage I have to look at in front and see the girl in front of everyone right now

Mimi- "Hi everyone I'm Mithilde Abhilasha but you can call me 'Mimi', I hope that I'll be a friend to everyone"

I look at her..I stare at her...I was gazing at her at that moment everything just shattered...

why is she here? when did she came back?...

she was smiling like she always do..

a smile that would make you think that she has no problem in this world what so ever...

The teacher searched for a chair where she could sit...

teacher-"Their you could sit beside mr. Padilla"

I want to stand up and disagree with what my teacher said...

I want to shout!...why!...why!...why!

at all places why would she have to be beside him..

As she walk closer to him...she look at me and smile a friendly smile,

the smile that makes her my best friend ever

since....I hold back all the feelings inside me and smile at Her...

I don't know how to came out of nowhere...

apart of me was happy that she's back because whatever might have happen before she was still my bestfriend,

a friend who makes me come out of my comfort zone, who always tell me that I'm pretty,smart and talented...

she was the girl who built up all the courage that I have...she was forever my bestfriend!

but there is this part of me who knows that if she's back I'll be the same as before

I'll just be the smartest Girl in the school, just a smart girl...

and the worst part of it all was giving back to her all she ever had before.... I won't seat back and relax while she take away everything to me

I will fight this time!


authors note:

Thank you so much for reading!!

what do you think about Manisha?

sorry but all their names was weird just search

for the meaning of the name and you'll know why

please feel free to comment and vote

I 'm pretty sure you wondering why she(manisha) was stunned at the return of her bestfriend

should it be that she will react with joy and gratefulness?


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