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Mimi's POV

After that night Judas has been softer to me, he sometimes treat me as a spoiled child

and I was happy but I want them to be okay again, I remember before Allon

told me about him wanting to be accepted with his brother....

he told me how his brother blame him and her mom for ruining his life

He told me how he wanted to have a normal family, even for one day

"Hey you okay."

I heard that voice, that brings me out of my thought

"you are such a stubborn patient." (in a sarcastic and teasing tone)

The usual Zander, was looking at me with a smirk and blue eyes


Zander-"you told me that you'll be in the club not in the seaside.."

Mimi-"hey I was telling the truth..we really went to the club..it's just that somethings happen..."

Zander-"..yeah...yeah...as if I could prevent you....But now that your in my hospital, you need to follow me okay?"

I just nod and remember that....He was really worried last night,

when I went home I was pale and I almost look like a dead person

We head straight to the hospital and he does his thing, the usual check up and medical treatment

and the thing that always makes me sad is the truth that no matter how much Zander try to treat me

My result was always disappointing as ever...and the end of it was I was getting worse

that my time was getting near...I know it but every time I see how Zander was getting hurt

I feel sorry, if only I could force my self to have better result, if only I could make it less hurtful for him

but I can't...I will always hurt him for not being able to make me feel like I'm going to be healed

Zander left my room because he was in duty today,I was trying to get some sleep but

there's no luck...I was just looking up...and spacing out, wondering how can I make

allon and Judas like each other...How can Judas accept Allon....but then my phone rang

mimi-"hey! what's up?"

Judas-"where are you?"

Mimi-"I'm in the house? why?"

Judas-"Ah...do you have a twin sister or something?"

I just laugh at what he said then there was silence, that somehow signifies that he was serious

Judas-"look at the right...near the door..."

I saw him looking at me, he was sad...actually worried

I don't know what to do but I remain calm and somehow I manage to smile at him

he came closer and he study me from head to toe, the look back at me, he was so worried

but I shouldn't tell him the truth, no one should know my secret, no one should be hurt


judas-"hi...what happen?"

Mimi-"this...it's nothing...I just had a fever."

Judas-"oh...I thought it was something serious..."

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