Our time

16 1 0

Allon POV

Allon-can I have this dance?

It seems like I grab her hand...but I look at her eyes, she was looking at me...

Allon-I said can I have this dance?

I smile at her...she was still looking at me and slowly I saw her nod

I held her hands and lead her as we slowly dance without music

It is as if the music is in our mind, only the two of us can hear this song

Only the two of us.

I tried to look at her and I can see that she was looking at me, I suddenly remember

That the look at her eyes was the same when I first teach her this same dance

The look in her eyes that makes me fall for her, as if it was telling me to be with her

To never leave her side, to make sure that I'll never let her go.

We were just dancing, for a moment it seems like the world revolve around us

As if we're the only one in this world, as if this is going to last forever.

Maybe this will be the start for us, for me to finally show how much I love her

For her to be my everything and for me to be with her forever.

Mimi stop and look at the sea, even though it's dark you can still see the beautiful scenery

Mimi-I'm tired

She looks at me and smile, at that moment I felt her weight

And we both sit at the bench, her hear was on my shoulders

At that moment I don't care about anything but us.

I look at her and she was looking at me


Allon-nothing..it's just so pretty..(smile)

Mimi-yeah it is....I wish we could be here forever..

Allon-(I didn't answer, I just look at her eyes)

Mimi-I wish I could be with you forever..

She look down and buried her face to my shoulder

Allon-We could...I mean..us..again...Mimi I still---

Mimi-why do you always make it hard for me?

She said those words without looking in my eyes...

And by those words..many question pops up..

I don't understand a word that she's saying right now

Allon-what do you mean? Make me understand?..Mimi help me understand

Mimi-(She smile at me)

Slowly her face is getting closer to Mine...until our lips meet

She was about to break the kiss but I hold her closer....

My heart is racing...and my body is melting..

But I'm happy.

I let go of her and she stood up so fast...and run

I tried to chase after her but somehow deep inside me...

I didn't follow her, I stayed their in the bench sitting


I went home...still thinking if what happen is real

Did she..I mean did we....what the heck just happen..

Maybe I'm just...but I was sure..but..oh...I'm so confused

I was walking straight to my room when suddenly.


I turn around and saw my brother Judas, I don't know what happen to him but it seems so urgent


Judas-do you know where Mimi is?

Allon-maybe she came back to grand ball?...I don't know..why?

Judas-I was curious about her, because she was always in the hospital this past weeks, her doctor told me that she was sick......Allon!! Mimi has cancer!...then I tried to reach her but She's not answering her phone, Nisha called me and said that Mimi wasn't there..Then I went to her house the neighbor told me that they left already....

What's going on? I don't understand...Mimi? She's sick?...but why didn't she told us..

Allon- what?

Judas- What! What?!! Snap out of it! Tell me do you know where she maybe

Allon- no I don't have any idea..

Judas-aren't you going to find her?

Before I could even answer him, he run off already....


Mimi! I should find her...I should ask her

Judas-So are you coming?

He shout and at once I ran off, Where could she be?

Judas-I've already been in the house and the hospital where could she be?

"Mimi-I wish I could be with you forever...why do you always make it hard for me?"

I remember those words...and at once maybe she hadn't left yet

Allon-At the airport!

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