I Meet Him

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Mimi's POV

Mimi-"Hey nisha? where would you hang out later?"

I was so bored in the class it makes me think of the things I want to do later on

Everyone was busy with their text book and school related works

and I was just playing in my phone...good thing I didn't forget it

Nisha-"Mimi the test is next week and you still have plans to hang out?"

Well I know that..but I just want to have fun...

Mimi-"fine, fine...where would we study later on?"

she looks at me...


mimi-"Oh! come one!! lets all study later on...so that even if it's boring and all..

at least I have my friends with me?"

with all the cuteness I have in me I face her and she seems to buy it

she smile at me then nod...I win...

Nisha-"You know the bakeshop we used to hang out? meet me there."

I smile back at her then I excuse myself to go somewhere...


I was waiting for Nisha with a bread in my hand, well maybe because I went earlier

I was just sitting there having my bread and drinks, there's my favorite cheese cake on display

so I went to the cashier and buy some, as I was going back and walking straight

then someone stupid suddenly stand up causing me to bump into him

"miss I'm sorry"

I was just looking down looking like a kid that lost her barbie or lollipop

I didn't bother looking at that person...I was frowning and I don't know why

but I'm really acting like a kid by looking at my cheesecake that I drop when the guy bump into me

"Miss I'm really sorry, I can buy you one if you want too?"

I look at him with all the sadness in my face But to my surprise

He really look like Allon, I mean not the Allon that's neat and clean now

but the Allon I first meet back then, this guy is just taller and manlier than him

"miss? Im so sorry"

and he has that sweet voice to match with,but when he tried to touch me

I felt something un usual, I can't explain why I'm feeling like this

Mimi-"no...I'm okay..."

I sounded like I'm scared or something

I walk away from him and get back to my seat waiting for nisha

and yes I'm still acting like a child who lost her lollipop

I mean I love cheesecake more than anything

I remember that Zander will buy a whole cake and

ice cream just to cheer me up and it never failed...

I was looking at my table looking sad for my wasted cheesecake

but the Someone put a slice of it in my table I look at the person

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