I Want to know

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Allon's POV

I was just staring at her...I was still thinking about what I saw yesterday...

"Me" your so good at faking everything, telling people that your fine

but I know your not...your hiding something...and I want to know that


oh..it's Nisha...


I smile At her...

we talk to each other almost about everything

but I can't focus...I was so distracted..

and I can't look away from "Me"

our teacher finally arrived and the usual things happen in the room

quiz,discussion,contest...and others...


We're on the Canteen...on our spot but I noticed

that "Me" Wasn't here...so I stand up and look for her

I went to the path way then look at the garden

well she has a tendency to go to places you'll never expect

but I found her...she was outside near the gate

I was walking toward her...I saw that she's talking with someone

It's a guy on a black motorcycle..

the guy wear white just like the uniform in the hospital

He was tall and masculine...but I'm sure he's old

okay maybe not,He looks like he's on his 20 or above

They were talking and I can see "me" was smiling from ear to ear

I just watch them talking to each other until the guy go

I pretend that I was just walking by so that I can talk to her

I went towards her...then I look at her, she put something in her pocket



here we go again...but I didn't mind it...

I want to have a chance with her


She hate that word...

Mimi-"I am not!"


Allon-"so why are you so cold to me...."

I smile at her playfully...

hoping that she won't walk away from me...

Mimi-"am I?"

She said it with a smirk on her face

the bad Girl in her is coming out

So I bring out my 'A' Game on

Allon-"Hell yeah..."

she came closer to me then whisper in my ears

I was frozen for a second their, when I feel her breath in my ear

I get all nervous......and I was stunned

Mimi-"uhm...That's because I want to.."

she was slowly walking away from me

"cut it out Allon! Grab her!"

and without me knowing what I just did

she was looking at me..she was shocked

I don't know what to do I just walk and walk

and making sure that she doesn't get away from my hands

then I finally stop,we're outside of the school...

and nobody was here

Mimi-"What the heck Allon!"

she force her way out of my hand

she was mad...I know that for sure

Allon-"what's with you 'Me'!?"

I was overwhelmed by my emotion

I was mad, hurt and longing for her

I want answer's!! I want to know!

Mimi-'This is going nowhere., I'm out of here!"

she walk so fast but I stop her and grab her hands

causing her to slam in the wall...I admit that She hit the wall quite strong

so I look at her with concern...

Allon-"I'm sorry..but your not going to leave...not again..

not without any reason's..."Me"...not again"

she knows that I'm begging right now..I want to know

why did she go...why?

I look at her Eyes She was looking at me

when our eyes meet, she look down....

Mimi-"you can't even keep your promise...you can't protect me"

She lift her head...our eyes meet then she told me those words

that answer cause me to let go of her..

my knees were like jelly....I found my self kneeling down...

as I saw her walk away from me..


Mimi-"you can't even keep your promise...you can't protect me"

those words were hunting me...I can't think of anything else but that

everything On this day was a disaster for me..

I can't do anything right...I was just thinking about that..

"I didn't protect her?.."

I know That I promised that to her...

And I make sure I keep that promise...

so when...when did she needs

my help and I didn't came for her...

When?...when did I break my promise?....


author's Note; Thanks for reading...

I hope you enjoy it...

please vote,comment..and tell me what you think

Who's the guy in the motorcycle?

what was 'Mimi' talking about?

when did Allon break his promise?

tell me what you think?

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