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Allon's POV

Mimi and Zander already went home, I was just cleaning the table while Judas was washing the dishes
it's been a long time since we've done this...but then I wonder how he meet Mimi
I was so worried when I saw him carrying Mimi , I thought it was just some random girl again
When Mimi was on the sofa already I call Zander and luckily he pick up and
after telling him what happen after ten minutes he was here already

Judas-"you know that girl?"
He ask me while he was still washing the dishes
Allon-" know her too...before when I was first year...she was the girl I'm courting"
I look at him and saw him suddenly froze, it's like there something shocking
he stop what his doing and walk straight to his room, he was walking head down
I couldn't see his face, It makes me wonder how he suddenly act weird
but I let it pass by, we never care for each other

after cleaning the kitchen I went straight to my room
I'm on my way when I heard a crash in my brother's room
Then he open the door looking like a gangster that he is

Judas-"want to drink?"
I was shock when he told me that
there's a first time first everything

We went to the bar and as usual, as we enter the club
everyone has there eyes on us, even the boys there was looking on us
my brother was wearing white shirt with some rebel design in it,
a leather black jacket and the usual jeans and shoes
while I was just wearing a abstract design shirt and my jeans and shoes
we found our place and I thought we will be drinking with his friends
but it turns out it's just the two of us...are we going to talk about something serious?
I just go with him and we sat on the table, a bunch of girls was standing in front of us

Judas-"Sorry girls...I'm not in the mood to play with you...."
Wow? since when is he not prepare to flirt with other girls
now I'm getting nervous...what is he planning to do?

We already order our usual drink, it's awkward
in spite of the sound in this club we're both in silence
we have some few shots but still he was just looking at me
he will take a shot then look at me as if she want to say something

Allon-"hey....what is this for?"
Judas-"What?! can't I have a drink with my little brother?"
I was pissed off with that sarcastic voice of him...
Allon-"cut it off!"
I was quite loud when I said those words
thankfully we're on the club so no one heard it
he take a shot then look at me this time with a smirk on his face
Judas-"that girl? why did she came back here?"
I never told him about mimi, I wonder how he knows it
Allon-"why do you care about her?"
Judas-"I don't I'm just asking...."
Allon-"back off!! don't you dare touch her!"
I was controlling myself from hitting him,I wouldn't let him do anything to Mimi
I won't break my promise anymore,Judas stand up and walk away
I was just staring at him as he go farther away from me
he looks at me and he was staring straight to my eyes then he look away again
I want to stand up and punch him, I want too but I can't
Judas-"I already did...."
what did he say?...he said it under his breath...I didn't hear it all..
I stood up and the next thing I know is that he was mix in with the crowd
I can't see him anymore, I don't know if he goes out or he go somewhere else
I can't find him anymore, that's why I decided to go home...

I was on my bed ready to sleep but then I can't sleep at all
'what did he said back then?', 'why did he ask about Mimi?'
My brother is always up to something...I wonder what his plans are
We were never a brother to each other...He hates me every since that day
The day my mom and dad get married...and the day my mom was pregnant
and gave birth to me...ever since that moment happen..He hated us
I know where my brother is coming father always told me
to try to understand father always told me not to be mad at him
But I tried everything to be close to him, I even go with him
and we've been in the same gang before, all I want is for us to like brothers
even though we don't have the mom, his mother died and after two year my mom married his dad
and as a result of their love I was born but my brother never accept that fact
he blame us for ruining his family, he blame us for every bad things that happen to him


I was about to sit when I felt the heavy feeling in my head
dam!! I have a hang over maybe because it's been a long time since I had a drink
I went back to sleep at my bed, I slowly open my eyes when I felt something cold
There I saw Judas putting a wet towel on my head, I was shock but I didn't show it
I pretend to be asleep, after he put the towel on my head then he left
then that was it....I was puzzled by what he've done...What's happening to him

I rest for a while then head off to take a shower..My head still hurts
as I prepare myself for school and went down stair I look at the kitchen and
saw a meal ready for me to eat, I search for Judas but then he's not in the house anymore
I eat the food and then wash the dishes, then I head straight to school

the usual thing happens at school, I also notice that Mimi and Nisha was close just like before
that was a huge relief for me, I thought they would fight or something but it turns out that they're okay
After the class I head straight in the office and finish my works their After that I was about to go
out of school...but then I saw my brother talking to Nisha they seems to be fighting,
Nisha was very mad and even hitting my brother in the chest but after that my brother hug her
that's when I was shock I never knew that they were this close, I never even see them together before

author's note; thanks for reading this chapter I hope you like it
please tell me your reaction

And now you meet another character of the story Judas padilla
do you like him?
what do you think is his role in the story?

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