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Zander's POV

we went home and I carried her inside of the house

she's was so weak and She was pale I check her

vital sign and everything but I guess she was fine

she just forget to drink her medicine nothings's new

That's why I came with her here in the Philippines

Zander-"how come you didn't take you medicine, I just gave it to you!"

I nag at her, she's the most hard headed patient I ever deal with!

Mimi-"Sorry I guess I lost it...."

Zander-"you know your freakin sick thilde!! stop acting like your not!!"

I was so mad at her!! but I soon realized that I went overboard

I look at her and I know I hurt her by those words

Zander-"Mimi, I'm so---"

she cut out before I can apologize

Mimi-"I know I'm sick and even though I want to forget about it,

my body reminds it to me everyday and even if I ignore it, I know

I just freakin know Zander!! THAT I'm FREAKIN SICK!"

I come closer to her she was at her bed...

I sit on the bed...

Zander-"sorry baby girl, I didn't mean it..."

I whip away the tears in her eyes she looks at me

I know It's hard for her...she sat down and hug me

as she expose to me her vulnerable side

as she cast out every hard feelings

as she remove the mask on her face and let me see

who she really was...and what she really feel deep inside.

She cried and cried until she finally was calmed

then I let her sleep...I was watching at her the whole time

I was just looking at her as I think of the reality

that there will come a day that I have to say goodbye to her

I remember that day where she told me everything that happened to her;

the way she falls in love with this guy, she also told me

that she only trust one person and that was her bestfriend

And how everything goes wrong just by one day


(America(hospital ))

Mimi-"It's so pretty...the garden it's alive..."

Zander-"I'm pissed off...stop being like that!"

Mimi-"what's wrong with you?"

she was kind of laughing when she told me those words

I saw her beautiful smile..

Zander-"Why would you go back there? you already know everything!"


she was suddenly serious, she looks directly in my eyes

Mimi-"because I have a promise to keep,because I want to see those people who did this to me,

because I want to know more...I want to know why? why did they do such thing to me? and before

I pa----"

I interrupt her and hug her tight! she knows what I feel for her

Zander-"no Thilde!..your not!! your not!! you can make it! I'm with you remember!

I'll take care of you...just don't!!..DONT FREAKIN LEAVE ME!"

I was crying, I was begging to God that everything will be fine!

But the result already came out and we know that it's to risky

if we push the surgery, other doctor even told us that there is a possibility

that it may come back again...

Mimi-"silly!!..I accept it already, I know my brain tumor is malignant

and that I'm already in the unstoppable stage...Zander you have to accept it too..

right now the only thing I want to do is to keep my Promise to Nisha

and ask that group of people why? why me...I guess I just want that...."

Zander-"then what Mimi? you know you'll be hurting yourself in the process..."

Mimi-"Then I could finally say goodbye to everyone"

she said that with a smile on her face as if what

we're talking about is just a piece of junk or

something that's not important, her smile assures me

that she's decided to do everything...

*end flashback*

Mimi was the most positive person I ever known

She was my patient at fist when she was on her recovery treatment

once a weak, she was half dead by then but as days goes on

she responded better and better, until one day she became

a daily visitor in the hospital and became a friend to all

after her school she would go straight to the hospital

but she still has her body guard with her,

everyone treat her as a friend well she has that in her

She always cook for us and treat us...

we Became Bestfriend after a year then I confess to her

but she said 'no' and told me the truth about her brain tumor

she was confined in the hospital again for treatment and test on her

but it was no used after knowing that it was a malignant brain tumor

we run few more test and medicine for her but

the result never get's worse...until she finally told everyone

that she already accept it...

her last favor to me is let her go

and that she wants to comeback home...


Thanks for reading the story!! I really appreciate it!!

hope you enjoy this one!!...please vote ,comment,ask and even suggest

so Mimi was sick! what are your reactions?

Would Zander tell Allon what he knows?

What happen to Mimi? who's that group of people?

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