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Mimi's POV

it was our last night in the resort, it was fun

except from what happen to us,

well no one knows it except for the four of us

Nisha-"So what do you think the one piece with a sexy cut or the two piece with floral design?"

she was asking me about her bathing suit...

Mimi-"they both look good okay just choose the one you like..."

Nisha-"What are you going to wear?"

Mimi-"well, this one."

I let show her a simple black one piece with a sexy cut in the back and an 'X' design in the front

Nisha-"That's so pretty!!"

Mimi-"Zander bought it for me...but he also bought this cover up."

My cover up was a white netting's design that looks like a dress

Nisha-"I can say that he's good at picking your clothes"

Mimi-"Tell me about it!.."

"hey girls are you ready?"

That was Zander alright..

Nisha-"Do you think he can help me decide?"

mimi-"give it a try...."

the she gave me that look that tells me to ask Zander

Mimi-"Zander? could you help nisha on choosing her bathing suit ."

Zander-"Sure...could I open the door now?"

he open the door and look at us

Zander-"you've been here for almost an hour and your not ready yet?"

I and Nisha just smile at him

Zander-"I guess the floral looks better on you..."

he was pointing at it and Nisha thank her...

Nisha grab my hand and then we went straight to CR and change our clothes.

when we went out I look at Zander and wait for his approval

but He just stare at me with a blank expression on his face

we finally went out and join the others everyone was smiling

then I look at Zander we actually look like a couple

He has his white sando on and a black simple beach shorts

and not to mention we both have our same flip flops on

Nisha went straight to Allon he just smile and turn around

we all eat, then they decided to play some games before heading out to swim


I was just swimming and notice that I was a bit far from everyone else

"OH MY GOSH!!!!"

someone suddenly appears in front of me

Nisha-"Hahahahhaha...look at you!!"

Mimi-"That's not a good joke you know...."

She was just laughing and I choose to laugh too

there was silence between the two of us

Nisha-"Mimi...tell me the truth..."

there was a pure seriousness in her voice that makes me nervous

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