That Kiss and My Promise

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Mimi's POV

I was just goofing around with the group

we're laughing about the story of Rob with his first date

I'm telling you it sucks!! but it's funny now

Zander was surrounded with the girls

he's some kind of hollywood star for them

but I can't blame them, if he's not a genius

he could end up in hollywood and be a star

I saw Allon and Nisha leave when we arrived

We chat a little and then they talk and go somewhere

I was a bit jealous but I know I don't have any rights

"Everyone let's eat"

Rob said that..

"Nisha and Allon, where are they?"

Alex said that (one of our friends)

Mimi-"You guys go ahead I'll just find them"

Zander look at me with his concern eyes but I smile at him

making him sure that "It's okay"

I don't know where to find them but I just walk around

and search for them, it's not impossible to see them

because rob's mom rent the whole resort for us

we'll be here whole weekend....

There!! I saw them..well they probably can't see me

but I can see them, I was about to shout

when I saw Allon going close to Nisha

then He touch her Nisha crying?

I was mad but I didn't run over their and punch him

I was just standing there observing...I can barely move

but my eyes widen, my heart tightened and Tears flow from my eyes

My mind went off from what I saw, I was just shock

It hurts me more than anything in this world

for him to confirm to me that 'He moved on'

but I didn't move, I can't move

I come into my senses and wiped the tears in my eyes

after I saw that Nisha step back,her eyes widen

as she looks at me...I just smile at her

"Hey you two!! time to eat!!."

After that loud shout, I automatically turn my back

away from them and walk away...

I run toward the cottage and look at Zander

he knows it, he excused himself and walk towards me

I hug him, i hug him tight and hide my face

he hug me back, his hug always calm me down

"they're at the back...."

he whisper in my ears

I look at Him in the eyes, I can see how worried he is

but he smile at me, letting me know that everything would be fine

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