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Zander's POV

I open the door when I heard something in her room

I saw her she was being hysterical and throwing everything

that her hand can reach, she was crying like a kid

I know that she's depress right now

I come close to her, some of the things she throw hits me

but I come to her and hug her,hoping that she will calm down

and she did, she was hugging me tight and even punching my chest

but I don't mind, she was depress and I can't blame her

even if she already accept the fact that she have to say goodbye someday

all I can do right now is to be beside her, to take care of her

she cried for an hour or so, I was just their

hugging her trying to calm her...until she she fall asleep

I put back everything that she throw..her room was a mess

after that I close her door...and walk outside of the house

I want to put back the smile in her face so I decided

to buy something maybe a cake and ice cream will do

We don't forbid her anything actually we give all that she wants

we already know that...right now we should just make her happy

that even though everyone was against of her discussion we didn't stop her

I was just walking...I saw a bake shop and look at their display

I order a chocolate cheese cake for Mimi then I stay at the

bake shop for a while I bought some bread and drinks

"Uhm...excuse me but Can I sit here?"

I heard a women's voice, so I look up to her

at that time there's a lot of people in the bakeshop

Zander-"yeah sure"

I ignore her the whole time, well she's not talking

But She looks familiar to me it's like I've seen her somewhere

ah...never mind, I want to stay longer and think but

I'm worried about Mimi, she might wake up

and find out that I'm not there, her head might hurt

I was about to stand up when that girl ask

"You new here or your a tourist?"

I look to her and answer formally

Zander-"I'm new here"

"uh..that's the way I'm Nisha"

She smile at me and reach her hand towards me

I really feel that she's familiar...I just don't know why

Zander-"Nice meeting you"

Nisha-"Me too...So why are you here?"

Wow...she's a snob or something but

I just don't care

Zander-"I'm the new doctor at the medical hospital"

Nisha-"nice so your already working, how old are you anyway?"

Zander-"20 but I was accelerated yeah I'm a doctor now"

Nisha-"your a genius then?..."

I can see that she's being friendly to me

Zander-"Nope...But thanks,Can I ask you something?"


Zander-"where can you buy ice cream around here?"

Nisha-"uhm...just around the corner"

she point out where but I can't figure it out

I was embarrass but it's for Mimi

I was messing with my hair and smile at her

Zander-"would you like to come with me? I mean could you guide me?"

Nisha-"Yeah sure come on..."

she stood up, and smile at me

then I pick up my things and specially the cake I bought for Mimi

Were on our way to the store where I can buy Ice cream

Nisha-"is that for your girlfriend or something?"

I automatically smile while I look at the cake that I bought

Zander-"'s for my girl"

Nisha-" she new here also?"

Zander-"nope,she just came back here to do something."

Then I notice that we're in front of a Shop

Nisha-"this is the store."

Zander-"Thanks, so your going home?"


Zander-"Want me to walk you home?"

Nisha-"Nope thanks anyway"

Zander-"are you sure?"

she turn around and walk away slowly, then turn her head to me,

then she smile at me assuring me that I can't change her mind.

I wave my hand and smile at her

I bought the Ice cream and went home after that

I clean the house and wash the dishes I also prepared

her favorite meal..that is Krispy Pata and Tinola

It's like a meal for five person but it's just for the two of us

Well I want to see a smile on her's all worth it


Author's Note: Hi guys thanks for reading this story

I hope that you'll bare with me up to the end

Enjoy reading...please vote comment and even ask questions!!

So what do you think?

Nisha and Zander meet!!!

Are you falling in love with Zander?

Or are you still on with Allon?

what about Nisha what do you think of her?

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