My Long Lost Love

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Allon's POV

I was having a conversation with my classmate...

"dude she's pretty'

he was telling me to look in front, well he said there is someone pretty so I look

teacher-"Hi everyone meet your new classmates Mithilde Abhilasha"

she's back!...I take a second to stare at her...was it really her?

when did she came back? 'Me'...she's back

It's like being full of joy once again...

I found myself smiling from ear to ear

there was a flashback in my mind

everything...every moment with her

the happiest time of my life...

the person who change me

the person who makes me realized that

I could be better..

Mimi- "Hi everyone I'm Mithilde Abhilasha but you can call me 'Mimi', I hope that I'll be a friend to everyone"

I was looking at her....I can't look away...

I don't know what to say...

will we be the same as before

teacher-"Their you could sit beside mr. Padilla"

she was heading towards me...i was still staring at her

I know i look dumb right now but I can't help myself

'me' was back, I could finally hear the answer to my questions

she smiled at Nisha the way they always do...Nisha smile back at her

She's taller now, she looks like a model and a foreigner

her hair was the same, the same long natural black hair that flows perfectly

and her slim but sexy features, her eyes...her eyes was the same

the eyes that would tell you that she's fun to be with

she was wearing our school uniform but she's definitely

outstanding than the rest of the girls here...she's gorgeous

I noticed that I'm not the only one staring at her

I won't blame them....but I'm getting piss off

'Me' why are you so pretty?

why do you always catch everyone's eyes?

she sat next to me...i turn my face to her and greet her

allon- 'hi'

mimi-'ah...' (then she just nod)

wait I know that kind of answer from her!

it like she's telling you that she doesn't want to talk to you

"what did I do?"

I was so pissed off by that! what the heck!

We didn't talk to each other the whole time

it's getting into my nerves!

I mean she's the one who leave right?

I should be the one whose mad at her!

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