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Mimi's POV

Zander-Are you ready? did you forget anything?

Mimi-I guess...I'm ready to go :)

Zander- don't forget to call okay?...and also don't forget that you should be home before 12.. have been repeating it that I already memorized it....

Zander is worried, but I'm excited. Today will be the graduation Ball and My last day, I decided not to join the beach party...I have to go back to the U.S, I'm getting worse...I hate to admit it but my body is showing it; I'm pale, I always have fever, sometime I can't even get out of my bed, and worst there are time that I loose consciousness...I'm just thankful that it never happens at school...I'm happy that I survive it and now no body will know about me being sick, everyone will live the way they are....the only memory that they will have with a happy memory where I'm with them healthy and okay.

Zander-Mimi! okay?

Mimi-Yup, are we here?

I get off the Car, and yes he bought a car just for me because he was afraid that I might fall in his motorcycle...

Zander-Remember what I told you okay? and I already pack your things so we could go straight to the airport after this party so don't be late....

Mimi-okay...I'm off,

I touch his shoulder, to assure him that I'll be fine, the I smile at him

He look back at me, still worried but at least he give a weak smile

I walk straight to the hall and as expected Nisha was waiting for me

She walk towards me, with a bright smile..she was wearing a light blue cocktail dress with her silver high heels and not to mention her silver neckless that makes everything balance, her hair was in a simple half braid, over all it was beautiful...

Nisha-Hey...your late (she hold my hands and lead my way as she said those words, she was almost dragging me)

we head straight to our group everyone looks good, everyone was smiling and waving at me. I join the group and the usual things happen.. I hardly notice the time because we're all laughing and then the Graduation ball start, things happened as it was planned; we all stand up to do our final dance of the whole senior. I stood up and wait for my guy classmate to be my partner, I was looking at my heels and concentrating every strength that I have to finish this dance, I remember the time I had my first dance...


"Your really bad..."

Allon laughed at me and I was just looking at him, his smile was makes me happy.

Mimi-Can you just teach me already!!

he stretch his hand towards me and I just look at him, I held his hands and he teach me every move that I should do but I was just looking at him, at his smile, at his hand, and at his eyes.

Allon-get it?...

I just smile at him, pretending that I already know everything...

Allon-lier!(laughs)...let's have a break...

We both sit at the couch, he was still holding my hands.

*end flashback*


Okay back to reality...


Nisha-let's dance? Come on join the group?

Mimi-I'll pass...I'm kinda----

Nisha- waiting for someone?


Nisha-lier!'ve been looking around...I knew it! You still love Him. I texted him but I guess his not coming..what a jerk!

Mimi-it's okay, I mean it's better without him anyway. (Then I smile at her)

Nisha-whatever!His a jerk!... (Then she went away and joining the crowd)

Allon, is he really not coming?...that's my last day and honestly I want him to be here, I want to look at him, stare at his every move because I know this will be the last...I wonder where he is right now...I stood up and walk near the sucks...I want to be with him right now...I don't know what to do so I walk out of the room and walk outside, it was scary after that 'accident' I never went outside alone...but I want to see him, Should I find him?...but I don't even know where he is?...maybe somewhere...uhm...uhm...I give up I don't know where he is...I was just walking where my feet takes me to...and when I look at it, I was in the bench near the seaside;where everything change...where I was taken...the reason that I have to leave Allon.. I was about to walk away from the place when I saw someone sitting on the bench..fear that was my first feeling but I don't know why...I walk towards it and saw Allon...He was looking down...I walk towards him until I was at his front..he look up and I know he is shock to see me standing right in front of him.

Allon-Mimi? Why are you here?

Mimi-I should be the one asking that question you know?

I was smiling at him

Allon-I just---

Mimi- I guess you don't want to see me?...oh well..

I turn around and walk away from him..when suddenly I felt his hands...holding me

Allon-can I have this dance?


I know...I know....It's taking me to long to update...

Sorry I was busy with my finals..huhuhu..

Pray for me,I hope I pass...

Anyway back to the what do you think?

Tell me about it and please vote, comment and let me know what you think :)

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