Know the truth

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Nisha's PoV


that's the only thing I can say to her

she hug me and then she smile at me at that moment

I know already that she forgive me

I was happy finally I'm free from all the guilt

and nightmares that I dreamed on every single night

I look at her, she was looking at my eyes

Mimi-Sorry nisha...I didn't mean to hurt you

Shock! can she easily forgive me,

after the things she knew how can she..just treat me like this

I thought she'll be mad and she will never forgive me

I thought it will be the end of everything for us

We stood up and she smile at me I can't...

I mean I don't know what to body react on its own

the next thing I know is that I'm hugging her


after all the drama we end up playing video games,

Yes we play video games too, as matter of fact we're really good at it

Mimi-nisha I'll just call Zander

she excuse her self and went out side, I was just waiting for her to come back and notice that her bag would fall, so I went there and put it somewhere safe, I saw some kind of letter I was about to pick it up when Mimi open the door and run towards me and get the papers.

Nisha-what's that?

Mimi-it's nothing

I want to know what that paper is, it looks like the one from the hospital but i seems like she doesn't want me to know

I didn't insist anymore, I know I wouldn't win anyway

Nisha-okay fine, come on Lets play again

she smile at me

Mimi-you wouldn't win anyway.....

while playing I tried to open up some topics that I know she wouldn't like

Nisha-you still love him?


nisha-don't play dumb with me you still love Allon?

Mimi-Are you crazy I wouldn't, I mean he's your-------

Nisha-Not really...I just made that up

Mimi-what? I don't get it, your making me lose the game...

she doesn't believe me, she was acting like a child again

I pause the game and look at her, making her understand that I'm not joking around

Nisha-Do you still love him?


I know that her smile was a fake, I know she still love him

Nisha-want me to slap you or your going to tell the truth huh?

she look at me straight to my eyes and I know she's serious this time

Misha- let's just live life the way it is now

All I see is her sad eyes, she look down to the floor

I don't understand why she look that way, I don't even get why she's answering me this way

Mimi-Let's sleep...

Nisha-are you hiding something mimi?

Mimi-don't be silly...come on let's sleep

I let it pass, I know she won't tell it to me anyway

We head straight to our bed and she went straight to take her bath and I head straight to the bed and try to sleep

I can't sleep after all, I was still thinking about the things Mimi said and the irritating part of it everything was like a puzzle that I cannot solve it, I can't even grasp even a bit, but I was certain that she was hiding something from me

I tried and tried but I end up closing my eyes and fell a sleep.


Sorry I was so bust but I hope you like this chapter,

please post your comments and vote :) :)

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